Sánchez and Díaz synchronize to match the absent Feijóo with an Abascal who took a license to lie

by time news

2023-07-20 02:02:10

In the workplace, absenteeism is understood as the deliberate absence or lack of incorporation into work. It can be for justified or unjustified cause. Alberto Núñez Feijóo is an employee paid by the citizens, since his salary and also the bonus that he receives from the PP come from the General State Budget, which is fed by everyone’s taxes. Participating in an electoral debate with the rest of the candidates for the Presidency of the Government is not a boutade, neither a trompe l’oeil, nor a whim of public television. It is simply an obligation that every democrat should face. Unless objective justification, of course.

Feijóo did not attend the last big television event of this campaign not because he had low back pain, since his absence was announced before the lumbago that he has suffered for two days occurred. Any private company would have blamed him for a breach of his obligations, opened a disciplinary file or imposed a sanction. Whether or not the Spaniards admonish his escapism from one of the most relevant appointments of this campaign will be seen next Sunday when the polls open, but his sit-in this Wednesday on public television -and therefore the Spaniards summoned to the polls- has already earned him a severe scolding from his opponents, in addition to a string of reproaches on social networks.

In Genoa they feel that they are riding on the back of a winning inertia and that nothing will penalize them next Sunday. Neither the friendship with the drug trafficker Marcial Dorado, nor the deliberate lies in the interviews, nor the attacks on public television journalists… It remains to be seen. He was, without a doubt, the big loser in a three-way debate in which a synchronized Pedro Sánchez and Yolanda Díaz equalized PP and Vox, vindicated the management of the coalition, dismantled all the hoaxes of the right, cornered Santiago Abascal and made it clear that after next Sunday there are only two forms of government: PSOE-Sumar or PP-Vox.

“If I can, I will govern with Yolanda Díaz. We have worked loyally and effectively, I think we have done a good job. In front of us we have a conservative option of Feijóo with Abascal, we are seeing it in Extremadura, the Valencian Community, Castilla y León, municipalities… Where they can govern, they do so together. Feijóo is missing in this debate for two reasons: because he cannot take care of the mountain of lies from the first debate and because he is ashamed to appear with you, ”said a solemn Pedro Sánchez.

The president recovered the institutional tone and the ease in handling the data that failed him in the face-to-face with Feijóo while the vice president recovered the verve lost in the campaign and “crushed” an Abascal installed in the denialism of sexist violence and climate change, the spread of hoaxes -such as the blowing up of dams and thermal power plants- and in his ignominious targeting of immigration.

He lashed out particularly hard against the hoaxes about feminism from the ultras, which he accused of deploying “a pernicious ideology.” Before, Abascal had spread the idea that in Spain “exceptional courts are created for men”, that the law on gender violence “is used fraudulently in divorce proceedings” or that the trans law “allows impunity for abuse of a man if he perceives himself to be female”.

“Stop laughing at women,” responded Yolanda Díaz vehemently, who showed a photo of two Vox councilors in Valencia during a minute of silence to honor a woman murdered by sexist violence. “Do you know who they are? They are his two deputies in Valencia. Do you know what they laugh at? One minute of silence. Do you know why they kill us? Because we are women. Stop laughing at us, we women are not electoral marketing, ”she replied. “I’m not afraid of you, Mr. Abascal,” she snapped at him later to demand that the Vox candidate apologize for having falsely stated that the recent murder of a business owner in Madrid was the work of an immigrant.

This week there has been a twist in the script in the campaign that the popular ones did not count on. Now it is Feijóo’s credibility, and not Sánchez’s, that is at the center of the public debate and perhaps for this reason the Genoa bosses have begun to lower expectations. They no longer speak of 160 deputies and rising. Not even the second edition of the “Juanma Moreno miracle.” Much less than a possible absolute majority, which the most enthusiastic did not rule out a few days ago. The space on the right was occupied exclusively this Wednesday by the Vox candidate in what for even the popular leadership it was not clear that it would have been a brilliant strategy for the interests of Feijóo. In fact, Abascal did not refer at any time to a Feijóo who was mentioned up to 25 times by Sánchez and Díaz. He limited himself to taking advantage of the space that the PP candidate left empty, although public television did not put a four lectern.

Pedro Sánchez, who arrived at this last debate on RTVE with the intention of transferring to the electorate that may still have departed on 23J and drawing a horizon for the future, took the opportunity to burn what he understood was his last cartridge before 23J. It helped that on this occasion the constant noise was not imposed, that the interventions were more or less orderly, that the participants did not step on each other in the use of the word and that the debate, in short, did not descend into the quagmire in which it became face to face. His objective continued to be to mobilize a lagging left, stop the transfer of socialist votes to the PP brand and catapult Abascal to the vice-presidency of the Government before a foreseeable right-wing majority and only the results of 23J will say if he has achieved it or not.

Shake off the undecided

The staging of the Sánchez-Díaz tandem was in any case a choral option and without stridency before the spectators, since both conveyed an image of centrality and made an effort to vindicate what had been achieved to shake the undecided so that they prevent a PP-Vox government. The progressive electorate would not have understood any other strategy than that of shared work, despite the fact that the vice president did not miss the opportunity to mark her own profile on a couple of occasions (the housing law and the retirement age).

The Sumar candidate recovered the verve lost during the campaign and even had moments in which she heatedly confronted Abascal that made her the clear winner of the night, which could stop the decantation of the socialist vote to the coalition she leads, which has gone from more to less in most of the polls.

The debate to three, which at times went to four, was the last major event of this campaign that has been more media coverage than mitenera and with a result that the right takes for granted before the polls open. As much as he has already announced to urbi et orbi the first dismissals as soon as he sets foot in La Moncloa. If he succeeds, of course, because in politics selling the bear’s skin before hunting it is not always a good business.


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#Sánchez #Díaz #synchronize #match #absent #Feijóo #Abascal #license #lie

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