Sánchez and Díaz, the tandem that will face the motion of censure identifying Feijóo with Abascal

by time news

Moncloa prepares for the motion of no confidence against Ramón Tamames. Executive sources detail to laSexta that they plan to face this event by bringing ranks closer within the coalition government and evidencing the harmony between PP and Vox.

From Moncloa they have assured that Pedro Sánchez is going to intervene to answer the leader of Vox, Santiago Abascal, because they affirm that the candidate, Ramón Tamames, is going to make “a country speech” and not an alternative government.

The Government still refuses to reveal details about its defense strategy for the parliamentary event, although they acknowledge that they consider the motion as an opportunity to achieve three objectives: contrast two models of Government, identify Feijoo with Abascal for not “daring” to vote against Tamames and unite the coalition government.

As confirmed to laSexta, the Prime Minister himself, Pedro Sánchez, and the second vice president Yolanda Díaz, will be the leading tandem in this motion. Likewise, there has been a call to rebuttal to all the ministers, who will be in the debate with the exception of those who have an international agenda.

The government spokesperson, Isabel Rodríguez, has assured in a press conference after the council of ministers that the Executive takes with “absolute respect” the motion and affirms that Sánchez addresses it “from the pride of knowing that we are serving the majority of Spaniards”.

Thus, he has highlighted some of the peculiarities, such as the fact that Vox has used an interposed candidate and not his own formation for the motion and that the PP abstains: “It is the main opposition party and Feijóo with this abstention is going to tie his political future to the extreme right“. A fact, he insisted, “important coming from someone who said he was going to be moderate”. In this sense, he stressed that “when arithmetic allows it, he will agree with the extreme right”.

an unprecedented motion

Vox’s motion of no confidence will come up against numerous peculiarities never seen before in an act of these characteristics in the Lower House. The debate will be opened at 9:00 a.m. by the president of Vox, Santiago Abascal, in charge of defending the motion without a time limit. He will be the one who presents his candidate, Ramón Tamames, that he will intervene seated due to his physical condition at the age of 89 for as long as you want to defend an electoral advance and a change of government.

Third will be Pedro Sánchez, who according to Moncloa sources will focus his speech on responding to Abascaland later, as many replies as the candidate, the current president and the one who presents the motion will open.

The president of the Congress, Meritxell Batet, will interrupt the session for a certain time and will resume from 4:00 p.m. with the participation of the parliamentary groups, from minor to major. The representatives of the groups will have a limit of 30 initial minutes and then 10-minute responses. However, any member of the Government, Sánchez himself or Tamames can request the floor at any time.

Tamames defends Vox and Abascal seeks to “portray” the Government

The leader of Vox, Santiago Abascal, has assured in an interview in Cope that one of the objectives of the motion is “portray” the Executive “whatever the result”: “That support is what has to be visualized, a government supported by a dangerous and communist political group such as Podemos, by the enemies of the constitutional order, and parties like Bildu, heirs of terrorism.”

Thus, while Ramón Tamames has avoided charging against the PP in an interview in Espejo Público, Abascal has assured that in Vox they do not understand “why the PP is going to abstain instead of voting in favor”, since that would serve “to weaken the Government”. “Those who say that it strengthens contribute to the strengthening with abstention. They should reflect,” she added.

Tamames, on the other hand, has praised the party that he will represent in the motion this Tuesday and He has insisted on his harmony with the formation of the extreme right: “The times that I have spoken with Vox I have found them perfectly normal. They have praised me and made recommendations about the most normal positions and approaches,” he assured in Espejo Público.

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