Sánchez assures that the PSOE already has an amnesty proposal and that he will explain it after listening to the rest of the groups

by time news

2023-10-12 15:24:08

The PSOE candidate for the investiture, Pedro Sánchez, is already speaking openly about the future amnesty law that the socialists are negotiating with Junts and ERC in view of his re-election as president. Although, for the moment, he does it in private. He did so in an informal conversation with journalists after the official reception at the Royal Palace on the occasion of the October 12 holiday. In this group, Sánchez has assured that, after a first contact, from now on he will continue in direct communication with the political groups on which he depends to be sworn in as president and that he will listen to their proposals regarding this amnesty.

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The socialist candidate has assured the press that the PSOE has its own proposal for this law that must be registered in Congress in the coming weeks. And he has committed to going out to explain it, detail it and defend it personally once he hears the initiatives of the rest of the political actors involved.

Regarding the telephone call he shared with the leader of ERC, Oriol Junqueras, the acting president has clarified that with the Republicans, parliamentary partners since the last legislature, he maintains a political relationship different from that established, for the moment, with the formation of Carles Puigdemont. Regarding whether or not he will call the former president of the Generalitat, Sánchez has avoided a definitive answer although he has stressed that he is speaking to the parliamentary groups, and has stressed that the relationship with the Republicans is different because he has been with them for five years. joint parliamentary work.

“Very complex negotiations”

Other leaders of the PSOE, such as the acting ministers Félix Bolaños and María Jesús Montero, have also been asked by journalists during the reception at the Royal Palace about the status of the negotiations for the investiture of Pedro Sánchez. The minister of the presidency, one of Pedro Sánchez’s trusted politicians who participates directly in these conversations, has described the negotiations as “very complex”, both with respect to Junts and ERC. And when questioned about the possibilities of reaching an agreement, he stated that although it is “possible”, in his opinion it is “difficult”.

Bolaños has also not wanted to venture to offer possible dates for a full investiture that is still not set on the calendar. The deputy general secretary of the socialists, for her part, has called on the Catalan independence movement to make gestures that imply a change of attitude regarding the unilateral path of the process and has stressed that, in any case, “there will not be a referendum.” María Jesús Montero has also expressed hope that the negotiations will end up crystallizing in an agreement to invest Pedro Sánchez, although she has assured that “there is always a small possibility” that it will end up going wrong.

Insults to the president

Pedro Sánchez has admitted to journalists that he feels especially bothered this year by the shouts, insults and boos he received during his arrival at the October 12 parade in Madrid. A circumstance that he has directly attributed to the attitude of political groups such as the PP and Vox.

In the president’s opinion, those from Feijóo and the extreme right would have dedicated themselves to heating up the street, in their own words, with two demonstrations against an investiture process that has not yet been held and that, in fact, does not even have a date.

He has also disgraced the PP and Vox for trying to appropriate everyone’s national symbols, such as the flag or the national holiday of October 12, and has added that, in his opinion, Spain is bigger than the concept that Feijóo and Abascal they have of her.

Questioned about the criticism from the leader of the PSOE, Alberto Núñez Feijóo reacted to journalists: “It will be a joke. We do not deserve that defamation,” he said in relation to Sánchez’s accusation of having heated up the streets with the extreme right. And he has limited himself to pointing out that “there is not a single PP leader who has organized or ordered” a protest or boos against Sánchez.

The president of the PP has promised that he will “fight” against a possible amnesty law “with all the mechanisms of the rule of law.” And he added: “You cannot attack the rule of law or the institutions.”

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