Sánchez to Rubiales: “What we saw is unacceptable and the apologies are insufficient”

by time news

2023-08-22 15:23:30

Tuesday, August 22, 2023, 11:16 | Updated 15:23h.


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The acting President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, has joined this Tuesday the wave of social indignation with Luis Rubiales for the “sexist” and “vexatory” behavior of kissing the soccer player Jenni Hermoso on the mouth at the medal ceremony after win Spain the Women’s World Cup. “What we saw was an unacceptable gesture,” he pointed out in a resounding tone before warning that “the apologies” from the president of the Spanish Football Federation hours after calling those who censored his attitude “idiots” are “insufficient and inadequate. I think he has to keep taking steps ». This last message has been interpreted in political media as a veiled request from Pedro Sánchez to Rubiales to leave office.

Sánchez’s harsh reaction occurred at the press conference in which he reported on the meeting with the King about the investiture and after the reception in Moncloa for the world champions and the coaching staff of the women’s soccer team. «The players have done everything to win. But there have been some behaviors, such as those of Mr. Rubiales, which show that in our country there is still a long way to go in terms of equality and respect,” Sánchez stressed.

Criticism of Rubiales’ behavior has been going on since Sunday. The acting Minister of Sports, Miquel Iceta, denounced his attitude and urgently asked for “explanations and excuses.” Vice President Yolanda Díaz went further than Iceta. She demanded her immediate resignation for “harassing and assaulting a woman.” The same demand that Cuca Gamarra, general secretary of the Popular Party, made this morning. The popular leader has solemnly claimed that her attitude have immediate “consequences” because she “has outraged an entire country.”

Rubiales has been seen tense in the reception of Pedro Sánchez to the world champions in La Moncloa. In the background, alone and with a lost look, the president of the FEF has been more apathetic than ever. He was not even so affected when the most famous scandals of his tenure came to light: the million-dollar contract for the Super Cup with Piqué and the recordings of private conversations with senior government officials.

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Rubiales did not participate in the celebration in Madrid on Monday and this morning he came with a very serious face and in his initial greeting with Sánchez they barely met their eyes. Then they have had a short conversation apparently relaxed and with smiling faces.

Speech by Pedro Sanchez

The acting President of the Government, after the pertinent greetings, praised the feat achieved by the Spanish team and announced that the Council of Ministers is going to approve the awarding of the Gold Medal for sporting merit to the world champions.

«I thank you with all my heart on behalf of all Spaniards for what you have done and how you have done it. We are proud of how you have played to win the World Cup that has moved Spanish society. You have put your heart into your game and you have beaten great teams like the English. In 2010 we said that we are soccer world champions and in 2023 we are world champions,” Sánchez proclaimed.

The acting President of the Government has also highlighted the importance of the triumph of the Spanish team, which makes it a “reference for girls” who also want to be soccer players. “Being a benchmark is a pride and an honor for an athlete,” he added.

Sánchez has acknowledged that despite the victory “there is a lot to do”, but he has stressed that the Government “has opted for women’s sports and women’s football.” “The 21st century is the century of women, I have no doubt about it,” she concluded.

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#Sánchez #Rubiales #unacceptable #apologies #insufficient

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