Sánchez wants “more rights for the social majority” in 2024 while regional politicians highlight “equality”

by time news

2023-12-31 17:33:54

President Pedro Sánchez congratulates the new year with a wish: more rights for the social majority. The socialist leader was not the only one who wanted to take advantage of New Year’s Eve to say goodbye to the year and send a message to the citizens.

Sánchez wanted to highlight that 2023 has been a year of progress “despite the difficulties” and also as a year “of progress, harmony, equality and social commitment.” By 2024 he hopes that more social policies will be developed.

“In 2023 we have managed to move forward, despite all the difficulties. A year of progress, harmony, equality and social commitment. For 2024, our great priority will be to promote policies that guarantee prosperity and more rights for the social majority, and especially for those who need it most. Happy 2024!”, he expressed on his ‘X’ account (former Twitter).

The regional presidents also wanted to congratulate 2024 and, some of them, with a ‘wink’ to national politics:

Rueda (Galicia): “Equality and legality should not be in the negotiations”

The president of the Xunta de Galicia, Alfonso Rueda, calls for the defense of the institutions in his Christmas message. He also appeals for a “constructive” policy without “noise.” Galicia will hold elections on February 18, 2024.

“Everything we are today was not given to us (…) today, as then, there are risks that threaten the constitutional framework that throughout this time protected the progress of Galicia (…) Equality between citizens, The ties of fraternity that unite us and the credibility of the legal framework that protects us should never be up for negotiation,” he expressed.

Page (Castilla-La Mancha) wishes for a “more equal and cohesive” Spain

The president of Castilla-La Mancha, Emiliano García-Page, has “raised his voice” “that only those who want to torpedo or break our Constitution should not speak.” He did it during his end-of-year speech. Furthermore, he has expressed his wish for 2024: “a more equal and more cohesive Spain.”

“So that not only those who want to torpedo or break our Constitution, our system of coexistence and, above all, the reason why I have been active in politics since I was a child speak, which is the desire for equality, the desire for a more equal Spain, more cohesive,” he said. “In Spain there are some very radical positions that seek to scratch the Constitution in the face of which it will be necessary to say loud and clear that if it is true that the Constitution protects a plural Spain, diversity and wealth completely prevents privileges.”

López Miras (Murcia): “We are not going to tolerate the breakdown of equality”

The President of the Government of the Region of Murcia, Fernando López Miras, appeals to “unity” and asks to continue building, “among all of us”, a “prosperous, inclusive and sustainable” Region of Murcia.

“We are not going to tolerate the breakdown of equality between territories and citizens, an essential principle of democracy,” he highlighted in his Christmas greeting.

Chivite (Navarra): “Noise does not solve the problems”

The president of the Government of Navarra, María Chivite, appeals to “unity” and “dialogue.” “Noise doesn’t solve people’s problems.”

“Noise does not solve people’s problems. Politics must respond to the difficulties, challenges and desires of society,” he stressed. “Digitalization, sustainability, public services, employment, housing, equality and coexistence are our priorities and listening and dialogue are our work tools.”

Mañueco (Castilla y León): “Without a Constitution there is no democracy”

The president of the Junta de Castilla y León, AlfonsoFernández Mañueco, defends the value of the Constitution: “These 45 years of the Constitution and these 40 years of the Statute have shown us that together we go further and are stronger.”

“It is a very valuable heritage that we must take care of, especially in the face of the threat of being emptied of its fundamental contents, because without a Constitution there is no democracy, no rule of law, no equality, no freedom, no solidarity, there are no guarantees to continue advancing in a peaceful and harmonious manner,” he expressed.

Prohens (Balearic Islands): “We will ensure compliance with the Constitution

The president of the Balearic Islands, Marga Prohens, has given her first institutional New Year’s Eve speech, where she also highlights the value of the Constitution: “We will defend above all the interests and freedoms of all the citizens of the Balearic Islands and we will ensure compliance with the Constitution and respect for the separation of powers and the rule of law.”

Moreno (Andalusia): “We cannot consent to privileged treatment”

The president of the Junta de Andalucía, Juanma Moreno, has called for “equality” among Spaniards. “Polarization and walls weaken society. We are stronger when we are united,” he says.

“We cannot consent to privileged treatment of some territories over others, because it is the same as giving privileged treatment to some Spaniards over others,” he declares.

Urkullu (Basque Country): “Self-government is not guaranteed”

The Lehendakari, Iñigo Urkullu, says in his Christmas message that Basque self-government “is neither guaranteed nor has it reached its ceiling.” He highlights the change and transformation of Euskadi: “Our society has advanced and has taken decisive steps towards the future,” he noted.

Azcón (Aragón): We will not allow the shameful pacts with the independence movement to relegate us

The president of the Government of Aragon, Jorge Azcón, criticizes the pacts that the PSOE has formed with its government partners so that Pedro Sánchez was sworn in as president: “We are not going to allow the shameful pacts with the independence movement to relegate us Aragonese as second-class Spaniards”.

“In the face of attacks from those willing to break this constitutional framework, it is vital to reinforce the commitment to the Constitution and the Statute (…) we Aragonese do not want more, but we will never settle for less,” he adds.

He also remembered the Aragonese deputies and senators who participated in the process of drafting the 1978 Constitution.

Barbón (Asturias): “Inequality does not fit in the Constitution”

The President of the Government of Asturias, Adrián Barbón, assures that there is no room for lack of solidarity or inequality in the Constitution. Furthermore, he has called for “concord and coexistence.” “No one who defends democracy can cheer the accusations and applaud the insults,” he says.

#Sánchez #rights #social #majority #regional #politicians #highlight #equality

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