“Sánchez will invent everything so that there is no need to judge Puigdemont”

by time news

2023-07-31 02:13:41

Command Citizens, also in Brussels. Although the oranges did not attend the general elections after the 28M debacle, he continues to vindicate the center that, he affirms, becomes “more necessary than ever” after the appointment with the polls that has led Spain to the blockade. Head of the European Parliament’s Committee on Legal Affairs has suffered “four years of threats” for working to achieve the removal of Carles Puigdemont’s immunity.

How do you assess the result of the past 23J? Did you expect it?

I didn’t have a crystal ball. In addition, the media and the poll have clearly played a very distorting role in the entire electoral process that is very worrying for the quality of democracy. There has been a tendency in the media, left and right, to promote one blockade and another, something like trying to have a self-fulfilling prophecy, which has not happened and that has further polarized the country. Therefore, there are only two readings: blockade between the blocks and the governability of the country in critical years for the country, especially since we are going to stop receiving those European funds and expansive spending is going to be cut and the cuts are going to begin , the intergenerational crisis between officials and those who are not, between retirees and non-retirees. There has been a campaign of zero proposals from one against the other and now we see a block of the left that can only govern with those who want to break Spain and a fugitive from justice and, the other part, is a PP that is not known to what it is, it is not known if Vox is its preferred partner, or if it is not. Those who have wanted to kill the center saying that Cs was the culprit, it has been seen that it is not.

“If the PP had taken care not to kill the political center we would be in a different situation”

Do you regret that Cs did not attend? No, quite the opposite. Throughout the May campaign we said that we wanted to break the block policy and that where we had the key to government we were going to govern based on the reforms that the citizenry needed and we put on the table the problems that families have, women today in day, the problem of retirement, that of those who do not make ends meet. But the polarization of the two main parties, plus their extremist cousins ​​and the media, has done is sink the center. If we had applied, we would not have gotten any results and we would have endangered the future of a center because it was impossible to compete there when what people want is for you not to compete.

If there is electoral repetition, will they present themselves? Obviously, if there is an electoral repetition, we have to work to build a center that can reach an agreement between left and right and get Spain out of this blockade, even if it is with four or five seats. And knowing that these deputies are not only going to look after the interests of Basques, Catalans or a fugitive from justice. There is no other. It is heartbreaking to see that we have four years of ungovernability ahead of us. We contemplate any situation, but that repetition is not yet clear, so we still have to wait. Puigdemont is decisive for the governability of the left. Does he see him returning to Spain? Cs has been very alone so that the Constitution is respected and so that a fugitive from Justice, to whom the certificate was given fraudulently and with the support of the PSOE, responds for those crimes and is tried. Justice Europe gave us the reason for what we have been saying for several years and for the work we did in the legal affairs committee of the European Parliament and now we sadly see that this work that the PSOE tried to boycott is worthless because now this gentleman another government will decide. But that is the electoral system we have, a bipartisanship that prefers to be negotiating with Junts than with a liberal party like us. It saddens me deeply, but it no longer surprises me.

What do they tell you in the European Parliament in this scenario? They don’t understand anything, it completely escapes them, but they already know what the fugitive Puigdemont represents and the damage he has done to Europe and they don’t understand why the future government will decide. We understand that not with PP, although he has said that “to the highest bidder” but we have this Spain, all those who have sought to eliminate the center, here are the results.

“In Brussels they do not understand that a fugitive from justice is going to decide the future government”

Will you agree to wait for a pardon? Because for this he would have to be tried since amnesty is contrary to the Constitution.

I don’t know what he’s going to do, but what’s missing is for him to decide if he has to be tried, which is what he’s going to try. The Spanish prosecutor’s office had asked to activate the Eurowarrant and it says very clearly that if Spain asks for the fugitive to be handed over, they will have to hand him over, and Belgium may not. There we will see if the Government of Spain denounces Belgium before the European Commission to initiate a sanction process. Since he is going to negotiate, what is he going to ask for? Of everything, and Sánchez will invent something so that there is no need to judge him. It is all unfortunate, but it is also the fault of the PP. If the PP had taken care not to kill the political center, not to use defectors, we would be in a different situation.

Do you see Sánchez as president? Feijóo says that he is going to present himself for the investiture… Feijóo has based his entire campaign on repealing sanchismo and now he is asking the PSOE to let him govern, to repeal sanchismo? Is that serious? Sounds like cynicism to me. If he understands that he is not going to add, because he only adds with Vox, then let him say that he is his priority partner.

Is there will for a change in the electoral law? The system means that a party with 1.3% of the vote has 5 seats and it is the nationalists who will decide the government of Spain. But bipartisanship favors them. You just have to see which parties have had a hard time getting more seats than Vox and Sumar, which are intermediate parties; double what it has cost the PP, the PSOE, the PNV… And it would cost Cs even more, up to four times more than what it has cost EH Bildu.

#Sánchez #invent #judge #Puigdemont

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