Sanctions against Russia divide Germany’s radical left

by time news

“The scandal was predictable.” With her speech against the sanctions against Russia, delivered at the beginning of September in front of the Bundestag, the radical left parliamentarian Sahra Wagenknecht caused chaos within her own party, assures The Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. His remarks, applauded by far-right MPs, triggered a wave of resignations within Die Linke, officially in favor of retaliatory measures against the Kremlin.

Accusing the German government of being “the dumbest in Europe”, the former leader of the left party had risen up against the “unprecedented economic war” led by the West against Moscow, to the detriment of German energy supplies.

“It is silly to imagine that you can punish Putin by pushing millions of German households into poverty and destroying our economy, she added. Especially at a time when [le géant du gaz russe] Gazprom makes record profits.”

Party disintegration

After several electoral failures and a scandal of sexual violence, Die

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