Sandra Bullock takes a break from the cinema. “I want to dedicate myself to my family” –

by time news
Of Simona Marchetti

During the promotion of “The Lost City”, the film in which she stars with Daniel Radcliffe, Brad Pitt and Channing Tatum, the 57-year-old actress talked about her need to get away from acting for some time to be in a place that make you happier, that is, at home with your two children

The call of the family took over. At least for now. It is for this reason that Sandra Bullock has decided to take a break from acting and to dedicate herself to her children, Louis (12) and Laila (10), who were adopted – respectively – in 2010 and 2015. “I don’t know how long this break will last – explained the 57-year-old actress, Cassie DiLaura’s guest for “Entertainment Tonight” – but I need to be in a place that makes me happier … in my home ». That doesn’t mean Bullock doesn’t like acting anymore. Indeed, quite the opposite.

“I take my job very seriously when I work. Which means 24/7 – continued the Oscar winner -. And I want to do the same, to be 24/7 with my children and my family. That’s where I’ll be for a while. ” In short, it is a matter of priorities and now in the list of things to do of mom Sandra the needs of the children take first place. “I will be at the service of their every need and their social agenda”, commented Bullock who, before going into “off” mode, will say goodbye to her fans with “The Lost City”, the action-comedy released on next March 25 and in which she stars alongside Daniel Radcliffe, Brad Pitt and Channing Tatum.

And speaking of Tatum, on the occasion of her appearance on “The Late Show with Stephen Colbert”, the actress revealed that, in the scene of the film in which she had to help him remove the leeches from his naked body, she found herself face- face to face with the private parts of the colleague. “That sequence wasn’t done on the computer. I was right there, face-to-face with the whole panorama… », Bullock commented. At that point the host asked her if the surprised reaction of her character in the film was due to the fact that Tatum is well endowed with her and, to her general laughter, she admitted that she didn’t notice. “With two pages of dialogue to do, if I had looked directly there, I would not have done anything,” she explained. Let’s say that I concentrated more on his left inner thigh ». After divorcing her husband Jesse James in 2010, Bullock is now linked to photographer Bryan Randall.

March 16, 2022 (change March 16, 2022 | 15:32)

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