Sandrine Treiner, director of France Culture, resigns

by time news

“I have decided to leave the management of France Culture. » It was by a very long internal email, sent Tuesday, January 24 at mealtime, that Sandrine Treiner announced to her teams her decision to withdraw. The director preferred not to wait for the conclusions of the expertise requested by the management of Radio France after an investigation published in Releaselast September, reporting “brutality” in the management of the station. These conclusions were expected for next week.

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In this message, Sandrine Treiner takes stock of all the actions she has taken during the eight years she has spent at the head of the station, which has reached audiences never before reached (3, 1% cumulative audience at the last Médiamétrie measurement). Recognizing that the house has sometimes been crossed by “disagreements “, she sketches a mea culpa: “Sometimes, obviously, reinforced by the distance, the separation, the difficulty of getting together, the reduction of informal times, sometimes also the speed of change, the stress, the overload of subjects, we understood each other less well. I take full responsibility here. ».

A “new impetus”

In his eyes, everything is equally “more dangerous for women”she wrote. “I myself have paid the price in the past. For women in charge, in a special way. Here we are subject to contradictory injunctions, largely subject to well-established social representations to which sometimes we still have difficulty responding and which sometimes unfortunately we contribute to maintaining.she justifies herself.

“I have at heart, through this difficult personal choice, to allow France Culture to find a climate of serenityexplain to Monde Sandrine Treiner. After eight years of leadership, a new impetus was needed anyway. » The leader, whom those around her describe as “moved”, is expected to leave his post at the end of the week. The general management of Radio France will soon announce, internally, the management system that it intends to put in place to succeed him. Already, names are circulating to replace her, starting with that of Marc Voinchet, currently at the head of France Musique.

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