Sanremo 2023, FantaSanremo breaks through the ceiling of 2 million subscribers

by time news

Unstoppable Fanta Sanremo. The rise of the game linked to the Sanremo Festival, which bewitched the Ligurian event last year, seems uncontainable: a few days before the start of the festival, has broken through the ceiling of 2 million subscribers. Giacomo Piccinini, one of the founders of the fantasy game, let know, and he doesn’t hide his satisfaction: the two million subscribers, in fact, were the longed-for goal after the game exceeded one and a half million a few days ago. “We are very happy – he rejoices – because we reached it five days before the festival, so there is still time to climb and grow”.

For the game, “this it will be the record edition ever – says Piccinini – Now the goal is, in three days, to reach two and a half million”. A far from impossible goal, given that “we travel on 130,000 teams a day, which are worth two-three editions of 2021”. explains the co-founder of FantaSanremo Among irony, gags, unexpected events and surprises, FantaSanremo promises once again this year to punctuate the five evenings of the festival with fun and suspense.

Faced with the unprecedented success of the game, not even the Municipality of Sanremo stood by and invited those in charge to move the Bar ‘da Papalina’, the Marche venue where the game was born, to the City of Flowers, to recreate the climate that generated the idea of ​​the FantaSanremo among a group of fans of the festival. It is no coincidence that one of the game’s bonuses has appeared that seems to refer precisely to this: in fact, the artist who leaves a coffee suspended ‘at Papalina’ for another artist in the competition earns 25 points.

They are not missing bonus and malus in the name of irony and also ad personam: if Tananai is ranked Last, he gets 100 points, if Article 31 scores 31 points in the evening, they get another 31 as a bonus, if an artist shows clothing that can be considered a Maneskin cosplay, he gets 20 points, if the audience gets up and gives life to a little train during a singer’s performance, the ‘Maracaibo bonus’ (+50 points) is triggered for the latter, while the sarcastic ‘rave bonus’ arrives if more than 49 people invade the stage (in in this case “6 years” are envisaged, with clear reference to the recent decree).

The mechanics of the game remain the same: each player has 100 Baudi available (the bargaining chip could only be named after the dean of conductors from San Mere) to compose his team, choosing five of the singers in the competition and nominating one of them as captain. Entries will close the night before the start of the festival and from that moment each player will earn or lose points, based on what the artists he has chosen for the team will do on stage.

At the end of the festival, in addition to the winners among the players, there will be a winning artist: the one who has scored the highest score in the five evenings of the festival. Last year the winner was Emma Marrone, who now leads a highly popular League among players and who, it is safe to bet she will return to play when she takes the Sanremo 2023 stage to duet on Friday evening with Lazza.

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