Santa Lucia in turmoil: new complaint for moldy products – 2024-02-29 01:33:25

by times news cr

2024-02-29 01:33:25

Santa Lucia Cicam

The Santa Lucia shopping complex definitely has a lot of dissatisfaction. After our recent article reporting the sale of a moldy pastry, a new dissatisfied customer has just alerted us to similar facts, this time in Douala.

Still products unfit for consumption

« I bought cakes on Saturday afternoon in Santa Lucia and the next morning it was more edible », testifies Simon Nunga in a message sent to our editorial staff. A bitter observation made within the Santa Lucia agency of Cité CICAM in Douala.

Repeated failures

It is therefore a second batch of obviously expired or poor quality foodstuffs which would be sold in the space of a few days in Santa Lucia supermarkets. Enough to seriously tarnish the reputation of the brand.

A growing customer complaint

This new complaint in any case confirms the growing distrust of Cameroonian consumers towards the Santa Lucia complex. On social networks, many voices are being raised to denounce questionable commercial practices unworthy of such a national brand.

A grumble that management would do well to hear, otherwise its image will be permanently tarnished…

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