Santoral for September 8: Nativity of the Virgin Mary | The Catholic Information Agency

by time news

2023-09-08 02:00:00

In a beautiful homily delivered centuries ago in the Basilica of Saint Anne in Jerusalem, Saint John Damascene (675-749) noted: “We have very valid reasons to honor the birth of the Mother of God, through whom the entire human race has been restored and the sadness of the first mother, Eve, has been transformed into joy.”

Then, the saint and doctor of the Church would add: “Oh happy couple, Joachim and Anna, all of creation is obliged to you! Through you, in fact, creation offered the Creator the best of all gifts, that is, that august Mother, the only one who was worthy of the Creator.”

Although it is true that we cannot find more information about the birth of Mary in the Gospels, it is through tradition that some important information has reached us. For example, considering that Mary was a descendant of David, it is highly probable that she was born in Bethlehem; although in other Christian traditions, such as the Greek or Armenian, it is suggested that Mary’s birthplace was Nazareth.

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