São Francisco do Conde, host city of Unilab’s Malês campus, celebrates 85 years of political emancipation

by time news

This Thursday (30/03), the municipality of São Francisco do Conde celebrates 85 years of political emancipation. A city marked by its cultural and historical richness, it is also the location that received the Malês campus of the University of International Integration of Lusofonia Afro-Brasileira (Unilab), whose face-to-face activities in Bahia began in May 2014. Unilab congratulates the city , with messages from the Management of the Malês campus and the Rectory.

São Francisco do Conde has in its history the remarkable fight for freedom. It was like this in the battles for the Independence of Bahia and, consequently, of Brazil; it was like this later, in the participation of its people in important insurrections against the slave regime, like the Revolta dos Malês, which had the alliance of enslaved and freed people from the Recôncavo for its articulation. Unilab is yet another landmark in the contemporary abolitionist struggles in this municipality, as it aims to re-dimension the development perspectives of the entire territory through interiorised, public, democratic and Afro-centered Higher Education. No wonder our community is called Malês: we carry, in our name and history, the commitment to promote, in Bahia and in the PALOP, new struggles for emancipation and freedom!” (Mírian Reis, director of the Malês campus at Unilab)

“We wish congratulations to the city of São Francisco do Conde, city of my memories, of known gypsies. To all citizens of São Francisco do Conde, Unilab takes the opportunity to thank the partnership with the city, what we have done together for education, transforming lives, bringing opportunities to the whole community, leaving what is the greatest vector of transformation of a society that is education. Best wishes to all and may these 85 years still be filled with many achievements.” (Roque Albuquerque, Dean of Unilab)

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