São Paulo: new unified strike against Tarcísio’s privatizations is scheduled for the 28th

by time news

2023-11-19 14:55:57

By: Camilo Martín, director of the São Paulo Metro Workers Union and PSTU activist

Continuing the fight against privatization, the unions of metro workers and the CPTM (trains) and the segurasp (water and basic sanitation) met again to promote a calendar of mobilizations, with the definition of a new strike, the November 28.

The strength of the strike on October 3 stopped São Paulo and showed the possibility of defeating the privatization policy of Bolsonarist Tarcísio de Freitas (Republicans). The governor appeared demoralized in front of the population, especially after another failure on train line 9, awarded to the CCR, hours after he announced privatization as a solution to all the problems.

It is no coincidence that a survey conducted by the UOL website, on the day of the strike, indicated that 84% of those interviewed supported the strike.

The strike on the 28th could be even stronger, with the participation of other categories. Teachers from the state network, health workers (Sindsaúde), Fundação Casa (socio-educational care) and Centro Paula Souza (schools and technical faculties) have already announced their membership. It is necessary to move forward in building a general strike of public employees against Tarcísio’s privatization project that only benefits billionaires.

End of punishments!

Reinstatement of metro workers now!

In addition to fighting against privatization and outsourcing, the strike will demand that the government reinstate those fired for fighting against privatization.

On October 24, Metro management announced eight layoffs and one suspension. Of those dismissed, four are directors of the union, among them vice president Narciso Soares and former president Altino Prazeres, both PSTU activists. These are political dismissals, to try to intimidate those who are on the front line of the fight.

Unfortunately, among subway workers this is nothing new. In 2014, then-governor Geraldo Alckmin (still in the PSDB), today Lula’s vice president, fired 42 workers, who were only reinstated after much struggle. It is essential that working class organizations join the campaign for readmission and sign the Manifesto launched by the Metro Workers Union.

Unity against privatization

CUT, CTB, Força Sindical and leftist organizations need to unify the movement

In São Paulo, the strike on November 28 has the potential to deepen the rejection of Tarcísio and his privatization plan, which includes the handover of BESP even this year.

Defeating privatization is important for all workers who will be affected by the even greater precariousness of public services, with mass layoffs, increased rates and diversion of public money to the coffers of billionaires.

There is no shortage of examples of the misfortune that privatizations bring, such as the tragedy of Brumadinho (MG), the increase in water and sanitation rates in Rio de Janeiro and Manaus (AM) and, more recently, the increase in Metro rates of Belo Horizonte (MG), privatized by Lula, and the blackout caused by ENEL, in São Paulo.

From the north to the south of the country, governments are expanding privatizations. It cannot be that the union centers refrain from unifying the struggles for fear of a national movement against privatizations, because this could lead to criticism of the privatizations that the Lula government is also carrying out.

It is not acceptable that strengthening these struggles is not a priority of left-wing organizations due to concerns with the electoral agenda, as is the case of Guilherme Boulos (PSOL) who, for fear of being branded as radical, used little of his influence to support to the strikers on October 3. The war against privatization is being fought now and cannot be relegated by the electoral calendar.

Expand popular support against privatization

It is only possible to defeat Tarcísio’s Bolsonaro government with massive support for the struggles against privatization. In addition to worsening services, privatizations have generated more expenses, all paid for with the people’s money. There are billions in subsidies to guarantee the maintenance of rates and ensure the operation of private companies with multi-million dollar profits.

It is essential – even more so in this period of crisis of capitalism, with many unemployed and underemployed – to incorporate the fight for the Zero Rate and confront the government’s privatization project with a popular plan for public services.

A plan that establishes a free pass on transportation, reduced fares and a higher quality of public services, using precisely the subsidies that, today, are passed on to billionaires. It is time to end the privileges of billionaires and use those billions to serve the majority.

In this campaign it is also necessary to defend the renationalization of privatized companies that cause chaos in the life of the people, such as lines 8 and 9, controlled by Via Moibilidade. Renationalized companies must be put under the control of workers and users.

Article published in www.opiniaosocialista.com.br8/11/2023.-

Translation: Natalia Estrada.

#São #Paulo #unified #strike #Tarcísios #privatizations #scheduled #28th

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