São Paulo starts a scientific cooperation project with USP

by time news

As was expected to happen after the participation in Paulistão, São Paulo started this Friday (17) the scientific cooperation project with the School of Physical Education and Sport of the University of São Paulo (USP). The parties signed a cooperation agreement in 2022, when it was determined that the partnership would be put into practice this season.

“We have extended and modernized REFFIS Plus. After the structure, now the contents will be worked on. We are going to use the structure and technology that USP has in its laboratories to help us. The more technical elements we have in medicine, physiology and physical preparation, the better. We have to join efforts”, said President Julio Casares.

Julio Serrão, coordinator of the Biomechanics Laboratory at the USP School of Physical Education and Sport, was at the Barra Funda CT this morning and, alongside President Julio Casares, had a first conversation with members of the health area of ​​São Paulo. Next Monday (20th), the club will send representatives from physical preparation, physiology, physiotherapy and the medical department to USP for a technical meeting that will aim at creating the protocols to be followed.

Subsequently, the exchange will directly involve athletes from the professional squad, who will go to USP’s laboratories for evaluations and detailed tests that will provide subsidies for the work developed in São Paulo.

The exchange of knowledge and information can also count on the presence of professionals from different specialties at USP in the day-to-day activities at the CT da Barra Funda, helping the club to improve its processes.

“The idea is to bring our vocations together, it’s a partnership. At USP, we have laboratories that can generate a set of data in the most different areas. Let’s do a short, medium and long term planning to walk together. USP and São Paulo are giants. The idea here is not to evaluate work, it is to generate data so that we can do even better”, added Julio Serrão, representative of USP.

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