Sara Tommasi today: new life in Egypt “I have finished with the past and overcome the illness”

by time news

The showgirl lives in Sharm-El-Sheik with her husband Antonio Orso and told how she overcame the disease

Sara Tommasi today is a new woman. Two years ago she went to Egypt to Sharm el-Sheik to record some advertisements and she fell in love with it, deciding to move, more or less permanently, to this paradisiacal place on the Red Sea together with her husband Antonio Orso.

Sara Tommasi today

“I had some savings and I support myself thanks to some real estate investments, he can do his job as an entertainment manager via computer, so we spend many months of the year here” said Sara Tommasi interviewed by the weekly Diva e Donna. After her tormented past with alcohol and drugs, red light films and bad friendships, she has been reborn in Egypt, she finally feels happy and with her husband they have decided to remarry on the beach.

The showgirl recalled the darkest period: “Many took advantage of me, today I don’t care it’s a closed chapter. What matters to me is that I managed to overcome my illness, which made me live through dark years from 2009 to 2018. Luckily my parents and Antonio helped me.” In 2008, in fact, she was diagnosed with bipolar disorder thanks to the push of her mother who noticed some strange conversations she was making about her. Not accepting the diagnosis for long, she found herself at the mercy of others and ended up doing things that she regrets today. Fortunately then, her mother again had her admitted to a specialist clinic and since then, also thanks to her marriage to Antonio, she has been much better than she was.

bipolar disorder

“Many girls who have bipolar disorder or have boyfriends or parents who suffer from it write to us, asking us how you managed to get over it” underlined Orso. “I fell in love with her and her look, at the same time fragile but full of energy. She always wanted to make it. Thanks to her, I was able, for the first time in my life, to cry without being ashamed.” Her husband then recalled how he was aware that he could not help her alone and for this reason he pushed her to return to her psychotherapist. “Since she started feeling well, she’s been helping me.”

the desire to return to TV

Today Sara Tommasi is out of the world of entertainment but she wouldn’t mind returning to TV. “Three years ago they offered me the Island of the Famous but I wasn’t ready, I had recently left the clinic. If they offered me a reality show now, perhaps paired with Antonio, I would do it.” Meanwhile, on March 21st the video clip of the song Sogno d’Oriente will be released, shot in Sharm and in which she reiterates her love for this land.

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