Sarkozy booed at the Pécresse meeting: the candidate evokes “a few sad voters”

by time news

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Condemn… Without getting wet. Reacting this Monday to the boos that punctuated her meeting at the mention of the name of Nicolas Sarkozy on Sunday, Valérie Pécresse spares the goat and the cabbage. “It’s the reality,” begins the Republican candidate, orphaned, less than a week before the first round, by too long-awaited support from the former president and leader of his political family. Because Nicolas Sarkozy had chosen this very symbolic absence.

“All the speakers who spoke in the meeting yesterday spoke of Nicolas Sarkozy with great respect and made him applaud, engages Valérie Pécresse this Monday morning on RTL. If, at the start of the meeting, there were a few sad voters, that’s the reality, that’s it. But we, with infinite respect, applauded Nicolas Sarkozy for the role he had for France, ”comments the candidate.

This “role” held by Nicolas Sarkozy, Valérie Pécresse takes care to combine it with the past. “Today, I am charting my course,” she continues at the microphone of RTL, more realistic than ever about the intentions of the former president, with whom she has always had complicated relations.

“You should rather applaud him!” »

The day before, the name of Nicolas Sarkozy was briefly booed and hissed at the Parc des expositions de la Porte de Versailles in Paris, during two speeches preceding Valérie Pécresse’s speech, that of her adviser on ecology issues, Yann Wehrling , and that of deputy Éric Ciotti. “I absolutely did not want this reaction, on the contrary, you should rather applaud it! He made the Grenelle of the environment, ”reacted to the desk Yann Wehrling.

Eric Ciotti for his part mentioned the former boss of the right in a tweet. A way to continue to hold the line of the united political family… In the absence of the patriarch.

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