Sarkozy, Hollande… How much do former Presidents of the Republic cost taxpayers?

by time news

2023-10-12 07:03:50


Matignon explicitly reveals for the first time the details of the expenditure on material and human resources allocated in 2022 to former presidents.

Nicolas Sarkozy and François Hollande may have left the Élysée eleven and six years ago, but they still enjoy the largesse of the State. Former Presidents of the Republic indeed benefit from a “material and human support” for life, supervised by Decree No. 2016-1302 of October 4, 2016. A cryptic title for generous rewards. Furnished and equipped premises “whose rent, charges and general costs are covered by the State», remuneration of three to seven cabinet members and one or two service agents, payment of reception and travel expenses for the former president and one of his colleagues, assigned vehicle and its drivers, etc.

Last July, socialist MP Christine Pirès-Beaune asked the executive in writing for the amount of these presidential favors. And this is the first time that the secretary of the Finance Commission, accustomed to the question, has obtained such a precise answer. “It’s quite exceptional that Matignon reveals the details of the 2022 bill in this way”exposes the entourage of the elected official to Figaro. Supporting figures that we reveal to you.

Hollande first on expense reports

The gold medal for material expenditure goes to François Hollande. The bill for the former mayor of Tulle climbs to 221,074 euros while that of Nicolas Sarkozy only rises to 196,981 euros. In detail, the premises of the man on the right are the most expensive, but the additional costs of the former president of the general council of Corrèze balance the scales. Nicolas Sarkozy’s offices, located at 77 rue de Miromesnil, cost taxpayers 169,646 euros last year. Those of François Hollande, at 242 rue de Rivoli, only 153,903 euros.

A gap quickly made up for by the “expenses linked to former functions”. On this level, François Hollande is in the lead in all subcategories (logistics, IT, travel and representations expenses), with a total of €67,171 – compared to €27,335 for Nicolas Sarkozy. Note the representation costs (including reception costs) of the former mayor of Tulle amount to 47,641 euros, while his predecessor simply has none. Nicolas Sarkozy only occupies first place in IT spending (20,742 euros), where he is well ahead of François Hollande and his addition at 10,757 euros.

Expenditure on material resources allocated to former Presidents of the Republic in € – year 2022Nicolas SarkozyFrançois HollandeRents and taxes169,646153,903Expenses linked to former functions27,33567,171of which logistics expenses (excluding premises occupation)65937810of which IT expenses20,74210,757of which travel expenses (excluding security devices managed by the Ministry of the Interior)0963including representation costs (including reception costs)047,641Total196,981221,074

Added to this are security costs (human protection provided by the police or gendarmerie and secure means of travel), covered by the Ministry of the Interior, which amount to 1,210,286 euros for François Hollande. and 1,303,050 for Nicolas Sarkozy. And the remuneration of cabinet members, fixed according to the statutory scale for civil servants and according to their qualification for contract workers. On this subject, Matignon’s accounting services specify that“as of December 31, 2022, the average of the two highest and lowest remunerations is €6,392 net for the office of President Nicolas Sarkozy and €5,448 net for the office of President François Hollande”.

Note that since May 2022, the cabinet of the former secretary of the Socialist Party has been reduced as provided for in the decree. Five years after the end of their duties, the maximum number of employees goes from seven to three, and service agents from two to one. “The surface area of ​​premises whose cost is covered by the State” is then reduced accordingly. Annual savings are estimated at 50,000 euros for Nicolas Sarkozy and 33,000 euros for François Hollande.

Cumulatively, the material and human resources allocated by the State to Nicolas Sarkozy are slightly higher than those granted to François Hollande. In 2022, the added expenses of Matignon and the Ministry of the Interior reach 1,500,031 euros for the first and 1,431,360 for the second. Two slates in reality underestimated since the remuneration of the collaborators of the former presidents is not taken into account. Especially since throughout the first quarter, François Hollande’s colleagues were twice as numerous. To the point that both must weigh just as much on the shoulders of taxpayers. That is, around 3 million euros.

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