Sassari, a party and an exhibition for the 50 years of the “San Vincenzo” kindergarten La Nuova Sardegna

by time news

Sassari When on 23 September 1974 the nuns of the “Congregation of the Daughters of Charity” opened the doors of the nursery school – built on land that had belonged to Count Antonio Ledà of Ittiri and which was purchased by the nuns in 1957 – it was a celebration not only for the brand new neighborhood of Santa Maria di Pisa, which was still without many services, but for the whole city.

«Our institute was born in a tree-lined land with olive and fruit trees and lots of water, with the aim of welcoming the many children of a neighborhood that still had to deal with a thousand difficulties» says with passion Sister Battistina Matta, coordinator of the school of childhood “San Vincenzo” in via Solari. The director of the school is Sister Andreana Calaresu, and today the institute welcomes three sections of children who come from all the neighborhoods of the city, but also from some surrounding towns. To worthily celebrate the important milestone of fifty years, preparations are underway in the school of Santa Maria di Pisa for the day of celebration scheduled for Saturday 18 May. «We would like to embrace all the children who have been here with us – says Sister Battistina – which is why the invitation is extended not only to the parents of the current members, but also to all the former students of these fifty years».

The day will begin at 9 am with the welcome and a training meeting for parents is scheduled for 10 am. Father Bruno Gonella and Father Mario Beccone, two Vincentian missionaries and the scouts will participate in the event. «At 12 there will be mass – adds Sister Battistina – and at 1pm a buffet and music for the children to play until 4.30pm». In the land purchased – for 55 million lire – with the contribution of all the houses of the vice-province of the religious congregation, the foundation stone of the current “San Vincenzo” asylum was laid in 1972 by the company of the surveyor Francesco Pirino, under the direction of the works by engineer Costantino Porcu. Today, within the school of Santa Maria di Pisa, two lay teachers and three other employees work alongside Sister Battistina, who take care of the canteen and assistance to the young pupils. «Among the initiatives we have in mind for the fiftieth anniversary of our school – continues the coordinator – there is the creation of a photographic exhibition to retrace and tell the history of the institute. For this reason – Sister Battistina makes an appeal – we invite all former students to search in the drawers, among the old childhood photos, and give us the gift of bringing them here so we can display them on the day of our celebration. It would be a nice way – concludes Sister Battistina – to honor those who made this place great and are no longer with us.”

Born in the suburbs, in the middle of an olive grove a few steps from a neighborhood where there were still no roads and lighting, the “San Vincenzo” school was born without public aid, but as a gift from the nuns of the “Congregation of the Daughters of Charity” to the city of Sassari. «We continue with joy that mission that was born fifty years ago – adds Sister Battistina Matta with a smile – when we started and up until about 25 years ago there were many more children, even 150. Today we have around fifty members and with With the help of the teachers and our staff – he concludes – we dedicate ourselves to their growth and education with the same commitment and passion as on the first day”.

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