Saudi Arabia’s chess player will compete in the World Disabled Chess Championship to be held in Ashdod

by time news

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The Israeli Chess Association, together with the Ashdod Municipality, is completing preparations for the World Championships for the Disabled, which will be held in Ashdod on May 8-16, with the participation of dozens of chess players from Israel and around the world – even Saudi Arabia.

Already at this stage it can be said that the championship that will be held for the first time in Ashdod will be the largest to date with more than 40 leading chess players from around the world who have guaranteed their participation from a variety of countries including: Serbia, Croatia, Israel, Ukraine, Germany, France, Russia, Azerbaijan, Armenia , Vietnam, Poland, Belarus, Czech Republic and more. The most surprising listing is by the Saudi Saudi chess player – Fahd al-Shamsan who will make history and compete in the country.

In parallel with the championship itself in the Ashdod Municipality and the Israeli Chess Association, a huge happening is planned with the participation of the city’s educational institutions and the local community in order to expose as many residents as possible to the world of chess. The championship is sponsored by the Ministry of Culture and Sports, Minister Hili Trooper, the Ashdod Municipality and the Israeli Chess Association.

Eli Nacht, Deputy Mayor of Ashdod, serving as Vice President of the Chess Federation of Israel: “We are completing preparations for the championship..

Dr. Zvika Barkai, Chairman of the Israeli Chess Association: “I congratulate the dozens of subscribers so far and hope the numbers grow more and more. The championship is a celebration of chess that the people of Israel have fallen in love with in recent years. “

According to Dr. Barkai, “The State of Israel is becoming a chess power with thousands of active players, activities in over a thousand schools and now also hosting world championships here in the State of Israel. I thank the Ministry of Culture and Sports, led by Minister Hili Trooper, for their assistance and partnership, and the Ashdod Municipality for their incredible support.“.

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