saudi iran latest news: Saudi Foreign Minister says direct talks with Iran will continue

by time news
Riyadh: The Saudi Foreign Minister has announced his readiness to continue direct talks with Iran. Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Faisal bin Farhan Al Saud made the announcement at a security conference in Munich. He said the four rounds of talks previously mediated by Iraq had not yielded significant results, but that the fifth round of talks was Saudi-prepared.

Must have a desire for problem solving

If the 2015 nuclear deal is implemented again, it should be the beginning of a solution to the region’s problems. “It simply came to our notice then. If that is to be possible, then our neighbors in Iran must show a sincere desire to find a solution to the current problems. He said they sincerely hoped that a new approach would be taken by them. If there is good progress on the part of Iran, there is every possibility that the problems will be resolved amicably. But such an approach has not been seen on the Iranian side in a long time, he added.

Saudi-Iranian relations deteriorated in 2016


The Saudi embassy in Tehran was demolished in 2016 after Saudi Arabia executed a Shia cleric. Following this, relations between the two countries deteriorated. Saudi Arabia, which opposes renewing Iran’s nuclear deal, has held direct talks with Iran over the past year, saying it has not acted on Iran’s ballistic missile program. However, they have not been able to make significant gains in improving the relationship. The Saudi foreign minister has said he is ready to resume talks, which have been stalled.

In the Yemen crisis and in different slums

Yemen is also divided between Sunni-majority Saudi Arabia and Shiite-majority Iran. Saudi Arabia has accused Iran of backing Houthi Shiites in Yemen. Saudi Arabia is leading the Arab military alliance against the Houthis in Yemen. Saudi Arabia has accused Iran of supplying weapons to the Houthis, but Iran has denied the allegations. Last month, Iranian President Ibrahim Raisi said he was ready to talk to the United States if it was willing to discuss matters with mutual respect and understanding.

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