“Sausage Toothpaste”, “The Magical Nights of Nisnoura”, “Jobs of Wouf”… Fifteen books for young people

by time news

The Book and Youth Press Fair is held until December 5 in Montreuil (Seine-Saint-Denis). The opportunity for the journalists of “Le Monde”, to propose a list of fifteen titles that it is not forbidden to offer at Christmas.

“The Magicians”: the imagination at a gallop

At the antipodes of this scourge of children’s literature that is insipidity, the French artist Blexbolex offers to read magnetic albums of aesthetics and poetry which only ask to be re-read as soon as they are closed. Thus this story in the form of a chase, featuring three magicians (three children in reality, who build characters), chased by a young huntress and her pet with the air of a mechanical lion. To spur the reader’s imagination, to project it into universes located on the borders of storytelling and video games, to let it stroll on the path to maturity, such is the ambition of this book-object combining stencil painting and digital processing. . In a nutshell: magical! Frédéric Can

“The Magicians”, by Blexbolex, The Party, 210 p., €29.90. From 6 years old.

“The Brain”: neuroscience in diapers

This is a part of the body that we don’t usually find in books for toddlers. In this work, it is not a question of our hands, our eyes or the heart, but of the brain. Organ-king, and yet misunderstood. Hence this brilliant proposal from author-illustrator Xavier Deneux: discover neuroscience in diapers. Lobes, neurons, hypothalamus… All functions of the brain are explored, with simple examples. The brain, a real conductor, controls our hands, our eyes, our heart. It was there that we had to start! Clara Georges

“The Brain”, by Xavier Deneux, Milan, 24 p., €12.90. From 3 years old.

“An evening at the theatre”: hide and seek behind the scenes

From a child’s point of view, theater for adults may seem off-putting… This will no longer be the case after reading this album. A boy looked after by his actor uncle awaits him backstage during the show. But instead of watching a DVD wisely, he ventures with his friend Romy in a game of hide and seek which allows them to walk all over the theater, to rub shoulders with the sets, the costumes, and even to admire the talent comedy of the uncle, disguised as an exhibitionist mushroom. Still ! Elvira of Bardeleben

“An evening at the theatre”, by Gauthier David and Claire de Gastold, Seuil, 48 p., €16. From 4 years old.

« Action! » : cabaret de papier

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