Savia reveals that Health insurance is the service most demanded by employees

by time news

Sapthe digital health platform of Mapfrepresented today in Madrid the ‘Radiography of Health in the Company’a report prepared by the platform itself which analyzes how employee health and well-being is approached and perceived in Spanish companies.

Pedro Diaz Yustegeneral director of Salud Digital Mapfre and CEO of Savia, has been in charge of answering questions such as the importance that workers give to health and well-being services, or what are the most demanded benefits.

As the report reveals, these benefits are increasingly present in the lives of workers, and 61% of the employees surveyed by Savia claim to receive some type of health service from your companyBeing the medical examination the most common (43%).

The radiograph also reveals that the Employees between the ages of 35 and 54 are the ones who most often benefit from these services, which are received by 52% of workers in this age group. Likewise, according to the report, men (56%) receive more of these benefits than women (44%).

What importance do employees give to health services?

For 66% of those surveyed by Savia, it is important that their company offers health and wellness services. Besides, 55% state that they take into account whether or not a company offers these benefits when changing jobs.

Regarding the profile of those who are most favorable to these services, the population from 35 to 54 years It is the one that attaches the most importance to the fact that your company offers them the means to take care of their physical and mental health.

According to the study, those workers who already receive health and well-being benefits from their company value them more than those who still do not have access to them. This shows that these services help companies to retain your employees. In fact, 73% of respondents who state that they receive a service consider said service important or very important. Similarly, for 63% it is a factor that they take into account when considering changing companies.

Funded health insurance: most demanded service

Among the services most requested by employees are health insurance financed as the first option (29%) and physiotherapy services, chosen in second place by 22% of those interviewed. The report also shows a growing interest in emotional well-being, physical activity and nutrition services which, as a whole, are imposed as one of the most desired. Young people between the ages of 18 and 34 are the ones who show the most affinity with these services.

The Psychological attention It is another of the most relevant services for young people, as well as for women, who, in addition to showing interest in this type of assistance, give special importance to health and well-being workshops. For their part, men give priority to video consultations and medical chat.

Regarding preferences for services by sector, the branches of health and education opt for psychological care. In turn, the most sedentary sectors such as technology or logistics choose nutrition and wellness services as a priority. On the other hand, public sector employees show greater interest in medical chat and video consultations.

Savia and digital health in the company

In order to help entities take care of the health of their employees, Savia has its own digital health solution for companies, which makes emotional and nutritional health services, telemedicine services and prevention and protection services available to companies. Also, the Service wellbeingwhich allows companies to take care of the emotional, nutritional and physical health of their staff.

In this way, “Savia helps companies to ensure the well-being of their workers, offering them health services 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. In addition, the platform’s digital health solution for companies facilitates the prevention of possible illnesses, which contributes to significantly reducing absenteeism from work,” the entity concludes.

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