Say goodbye to sweat spots this summer

by time news

Say goodbye to sweat stains this last summer period!

Need tips against sweaty armpits and other places where you don’t want to sweat? Read along and say goodbye to sweat stains this last summer period!

It almost sounds too good to be true; dry armpits. Nothing is more irritating than excessive sweating on hot summer days. This results in wet spots, unpleasant odors and uncomfortable situations. We all sweat, because it is necessary to maintain our body temperature. However, there are also people who sweat more than normal, and that is a difficult problem. Are there solutions? Yes, because with the tips and tricks below you can end this summer with dry armpits.

Excessive sweating

Some people sweat significantly more when temperatures rise, when they are exerting themselves, and when they are nervous or tense. Excessive sweating is also called ‘Hyperhidrosis’ and can often be recognized by sweaty armpits, back, hands and feet. These people also often have to change their clothes several times a day.

Cause of Excessive Sweating

There is no direct cause for excessive sweating. In many cases, it is congenital, but only manifests itself during puberty. Excessive sweating can also be due to a nerve disorder that doesn’t develop until later in life. Other factors such as obesity, hormonal fluctuations, menopause, infections, drugs or diseases can cause excessive sweating. Mental problems such as stress and tension can also have a negative effect on sweating.

Solutions against excessive sweating

    1. Hygiene
      If you sweat a lot, hygiene is very important. Old sweat can leave behind a bad smell due to bacteria. By washing yourself properly and putting on clean clothes in good time, you prevent a build-up of sweat. In addition, always use a good deodorant, preferably without aluminum, as this can cause irritation with frequent use.
    2. Nutrition
      If you are prone to sweating, it is better to avoid spicy food. Red peppers stimulate the nerves in your mouth, giving your body a signal that you are warm. As a result, you sweat to lower your body temperature. Too much coffee also has a negative effect on sweating. Caffeine raises your heart rate and makes you sweat. Finally, alcohol is also a culprit. Alcohol is seen by your body as a poison and you want to get it out of your body as quickly as possible. By sweating, you sweat the alcohol out of your body, as it were.
    3. Clothing
      By wearing light clothing made of natural materials, there is a smaller chance that you will sweat a lot. Cotton breathes much more than synthetic materials. If you suffer from sweaty feet, then barefoot leather sandals are sensible in the summer.

If the above tips do not work for you, there are also treatments that can make your body stop sweating in certain places.
Botox is often seen as a remedy for wrinkles, but medically Botox can also solve many problems.

Botox temporarily stops the signal from the nerve to the sweat gland. An antiperspirant treatment is performed with small injections in the armpits. You will enjoy the result for about 4-6 months. If you repeat the treatment consistently, you can easily keep dry armpits for 6-9 months.

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