Scampia Summer Jam, the hip hop festival is back to say goodbye to the summer

by time news

NoonSeptember 17, 2022 – 10:22 pm

Sunday 18 September seventh edition: a day of street art, sport and other initiatives

from Online editing

A greeting to the summer to the sound of hip hop for the week edition of Scampia Summer Jam, a great neighborhood party between urban redevelopment and self-organization from below. Piazza Giovanni Paolo II, starting from 10 in the morning and until evening, Scampia will be filled with colors, music, dances, smiles, hugs, with encounters between city experiences united by a common denominator: the passion for hip hop culture and desire to redesign the city according to the needs and desires of citizens. The initiative was born around the Mammut Center, a stable territorial center that since 2007 has become a reference point for schools, teachers, and many young people in the city, lovers of Breakdance, Street Art, Writing, Rap, Trap and DJs, grown in a continuous and mutual exchange of learning between peers, transversal and intergenerational, giving life to a great Mammut Family.

An intense day that of 18 September with attention to the smallest details and the result of the voluntary contribution of many people who have made their art and professionalism available. Dedicated to three great exponents of Neapolitan hip hop culture who those who left us too early: Walter Afro, Ludovico Daso and Marcello Zemi: But it will also be a day in support of Gridas – Group Awakening from Sleep – the historic social center of the district that since 1981 spreads art and culture between the famous Carnival Procession and the marvelous Murals created by Felice Pigataro, currently under threat of eviction, the organizers say.

so that the colonnade of the Piazza will be transformed into an open-air museum thanks to the artistic contributions of Street Artist and Writer, the floor will light up with the energy of breaker’s dance steps and drawing enthusiasts will be confronted with their sketches. In the main square of Scampia, art, sport, and, for the first time, a Skate Park and Free Skate area thanks to Rampa Nomade, an experience born in the Scugnizzo Liberato. And again, the photographic exhibition by Laura De Santis, Miss_K, Nicola Della Volpe, Raffaele D’Agostino, visions of urban adventures of a Hip Hop culture that unites and becomes more and more movement that creates bridges between parts of the city and educational contexts informal in which many adolescents and young people commit themselves and recognize themselves.

17 September 2022 | 22:22

© Time.News

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