Scenarios for six-day work from July

by time news

Along with the application of the digital card from the 1st of July in the industry and retail trade comes the application of the provision of the six-day work law. Article 25 of 5053/2023 defined the start of the 6-day work for those who work with five days, from March 1.

As noted, the PS ERGANI II system it is not yet ready, while the regulation is accepted by some sectors and therefore it is being considered to take effect from July 1st. Essentially, it defines the application for the Public, DEKO, banks and private sector of the 6-day work for businesses, organizations and holdings of continuous operation, which apply a system of five-day weekly work, with the employees being paid additionally for the 6th day with 40% of daily wage and 115% if it is a holiday.

At a time when in Germany, the “economic flagship” of the EU, they are experimenting with the four-day work week without reducing the workers’ wages and the results are encouraging, in our country the Greek government implemented for Public, DEKO, banks and private sector the 6th working day for businesses, organizations and holdings of continuous operation, which apply a five-day workweek system, with workers being paid extra for the 6th day at 40% of the daily wage and 115% if it is a holiday. to take effect from July 1. This is expected to be implemented from 1/7/2024.

Specifically, it is about activation of article 25 of law 5053/23 (recent labor law which defined by ministerial decision -113169/7421/28/12/2023- the start of the 6-day work for those who work with a five-day, from March 1, 2024).

Based on the decision, all the above businesses for their staff, in order to make use of the sixth day of the week, must initially and responsibly declare to the P.S. INSTRUMENT II that they belong to the specific category of businesses.

It is pointed out that the employment of employees, during the additional day, may not exceed 8 hours, while overtime and overtime work by the employee is not allowed. Employers are obliged to register the details of the working time limits of their employees who will be employed on the sixth day, in the declaration of organization of working time before the employees take up their duties.

Employers of businesses or holdings which are not by their nature continuous but may operate on Mondays until Saturday, for twenty-four (24) hours, with a system of alternating shifts and in which the employees are employed in a five-day weekly work, in order, in exceptional cases, in which the company presents an unforeseeable particularly increased workload, to make use of the sixth day of the week, you must:

  • To have declared initially and in charge of the P.S. INSTRUMENT II that they belong to the specific category of businesses.
  • To declare, every time they wish to make use of the 6th day, in advance and in any case before the employees take up duty, to the P.S. INSTRUMENT II that the enterprise or holding presents a particularly increased workload, during a specific period. The special condition of unpredictably increased workload is subject to control by the competent department of the Labor Inspectorate.
  • The employment of employees, during the additional day, may not exceed eight hours. On this day, overtime and overtime work by the employee is not allowed.
  • In the event that the employment coincides with a Sunday or holiday, the employee will receive an additional 40% and a 75% surcharge, i.e. a total of 115%. Employment on the 6th day within the same week does not grant a weekly rest day (day off), unless it coincides with an exceptional day.

In cases where companies or holdings have five-day night shifts (00:00-06:00), their employment on the 6th day during the night shift is absolutely not allowed.

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