Schiappa Fund: A Journalism Rudyment

by time news

2023-04-27 20:30:25

EDITORIAL – Self-proclaimed expert Rudy Reichstadt sees conspiracies everywhere. That’s good, political power too. So why not get along and make a career out of it? It’s a real vocation, to be obsessed with the idea of ​​conspiracy. The philosopher Alexis Haupt conceptualized this practice as “complosophism”, meaning the fact “to stick the label of ‘conspirator’ on anyone who questions the official discourse so as not to have to debate their arguments. This is 21st century censorship.”

The economist and philosopher Frédéric Lordon, whom no one will dare to classify as far right in view of his positions and commitments (although! Rudy dares everything), also summed up the affair in his own way: “’Conspiracy’ has thus become the new place of journalistic stupidity (…). The only line in matters of conspiracies consists in guarding against the two symmetrical pitfalls which consist, one in seeing them everywhere, the other in seeing them nowhere — as if history had never known concerted enterprises. and concealed…”

Between these two pitfalls, there is undoubtedly room for journalistic investigation.

For example, to find out what happened to the sums of money made available by the Marianne fund, initially created to “respond to separatist propaganda as well as conspiratorial discourse online, especially on social media”.

Rudy received some 60,000 euros from him for his “Observatory of conspiracy”, Conspiracy Watch. For what job? For what content produced? The taxpayer has the right to know: 17 associations have pecked in this fund and some of them have shown little skills to carry out such missions.

A journalist sticks to it, from Releaseoh be service Checknews. We then say to ourselves that we are not going to learn much from a dialogue between rudimentary fact-checkers… And yet.

Let Rudy recount their interview: “You are then contacted by a young journalist urgently assigned by his editorial staff (that of CheckNews, the journalism service at the request of the newspaper Liberation, whose work Conspiracy Watch frequently relays) to investigate the way in which the funds were used. audiences from which your association has benefited. Your association only, not the others – take note. Because it is above all your association, and not the others, which is targeted by the conspirators. Premium for lynchers, double punishment for those who resist them. The young man may be polite and friendly, but the approach annoys you.

The incredible sentence is this: “The gait annoys you.” But which ? That of a journalist, François Vaneeckhoutte, whom Rudy describes pejoratively as “young” and who according to him has the bad taste of what? To do his job!

His investigation does not allow in the state to clearly establish the use of funds by Rudy. It does not therefore exclude an improper, inappropriate or even political use of funds, such as Mediapart was able to show it for other associations. Rudy doesn’t like the “Steps” of a journalist who does his job and complains about it. We will have seen it all ! This is what one could call, it seems to me, in a kind of modest and succinct homage paid here to Raymond Devos:

“The technique of the smoky smoker who resents the smoke.”

#Schiappa #Fund #Journalism #Rudyment

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