Schillaci: “Investing in prevention for the sustainability of the NHS”

by time news

The Minister of Health, Orazio Schillaci, spoke at the presentation of the toll-free numbers of public utility assigned to the scientific societies Sin (nephrology), Sigo (gynecology and obstetrics), Anmco (hospital cardiology) and Soi (ophthalmology), accredited by the Ministry of Health and affiliates to the Federation of Italian Medical Scientific Societies (Fism)

“I strongly believe that investing in prevention is essential to have fewer sick people in the future for the benefit of public health, for the benefit of people’s health and also the sustainability of our national health system”. This was reiterated by the Minister of Health, Orazio Schillaci, today in Rome in his speech at the presentation of the Numbers greens of public utility attributed to the scientific societies Sin (nephrology), Sigo (gynecology and obstetrics), Anmco (hospital cardiology) and Soi (ophthalmology), accredited by the Ministry of Health and affiliated to the Federation of Italian medical scientific societies (Fism). An initiative launched in view of the “four public health days that are celebrated this month – he recalled – and which concern the 9 the kidney, the 14 the heart, the 23 ophthalmology and the 28 endometriosis”.

“Even these days – Schillaci explained – fit in the wake of strengthening of prevention activities who see us all busy, with the ministry in the front row. From Sanremo we launched a campaign on cancer screening and correct lifestyles”. Furthermore “we dedicated a national conference to the theme of nutrition 10 days ago, focusing attention on healthy eating, in particular on the Italian Mediterranean diet which helps to prevent chronic degenerative diseases. All the initiatives that help to inform citizens are therefore welcome, also by making tools such as the toll-free number available to them, to open an additional communication channel that can help to better tell everyone how important it is not to neglect controls for the protection of own health”.

“Prevention and early diagnosis – repeated the minister – they can make a difference in the treatment of diseases and can above all improve the quality of life. Many diseases related to the kidneys, eyes and heart are silent, hidden and often sneaky. This is why the commitment to prevention must always be supported”.

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