Scholarships for young entrepreneurs

by time news

2024-04-13 11:00:00

For a long time I have thought about the possibility of finding a new way of subsistence, that is, in my own business. But something tells me that I am devoid of the qualities that every good trader should possess. On one occasion, for example, two friends and I came up with the idea of ​​raising wild boars with the intention of selling their meat in restaurants in the region. After a thorough analysis of the project we decided to proceed in a more active way and that is how we ventured into the world of livestock farming.

After having done a series of studies on the possible market for wild boar meat and the necessary inputs, we calculated what each of the partners should invest. Taking into account that one of the partners had some pigsties, and that another of them could get a stud boar, the sum we had to allocate to start our new dream was not so exaggerated.

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The first disappointment that our nascent business left us was upon discovering the aforementioned pigpens. They were almost in ruins, but after a few weeks of hard work they were brand new. We spent entire weekends cleaning the messes left by the filthiest pigs on this planet. That was the first time I doubted the viability of our business, but I kept going and didn’t let that sad experience discourage me.

The next day, my friends, or rather my partners, and I got up early to go get our stallion, or rather, to avoid misinterpretations, for the javelins stallion. It was on a ranch in Tamaulipas, so the journey was long. When we arrived the first thing we heard was a scream that worried us. The rancher laughed and said: “You brave ranchers are going to be the ones who get scared by the cries of the wild boars.” The comment offended us a little and his mocking laughter made us even more so. Curtly in the conversation, we asked him to help us load the stallion into the truck. After much struggle, we managed to tie the animal’s legs and put it in the bed of our vehicle. The rancher also said that he was giving us two javelins, because if the stallion was alone there was little he could do and once again he laughed mockingly which once again hurt our new pride as ranchers.

Finally we arrived in Saltillo and the new home of our beloved animals. But what was our surprise that one of the three wild boars was no longer there and, to our misfortune, it was the stallion. After much reflection and consulting the most prestigious veterinarians in the town, we came to the conclusion that two javelinas could do little to multiply. That was the reason why the three partners reached an agreement: “To hell with this business and with these wild boar beggars.” We gave one of the javelins as a gift and the other one, whose name was Petrita, we ate among our entire group of friends.

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This was the last business I tried to start and until a few days ago I managed to recover from that failure.

Today the presidential candidates talk about giving scholarships to young entrepreneurs. This is very good, but more than the scholarship, it is important to offer these young people professional guidance so that what happened to my friends and I does not happen to them with the ambitious project of flooding all the restaurants in the city with wild boar meat. Southeast Region of Coahuila.

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