Scholarships have readjustment with base date from August of this year

by time news

2023-08-21 23:33:53

This Monday (21) was published Ordinance Rectory/Unilab No. 665, which provides for the readjustment in the value of scholarships paid by the University of International Integration of Afro-Brazilian Lusofonia (Unilab). All undergraduate scholarships offered by Prograd, Proex and PROPPG will cost R$700.00, and Academic Master’s scholarships offered by PROPPG will cost R$2,100.00. The financial effects of the readjustment take effect from August 1st of this year.

The readjustment of the values ​​of the scholarships offered internally by the university aims to match them to the values ​​defined in Annex I of Ordinance Capes nº 33, of February 16, 2023, with financial effects from August 1, 2023.

In this sense, with the aim of properly adapting Unilab scholarships to the same level as Capes and CNPQ scholarships, as well as those of other funding agencies, the public notices for each program will be amended, contemplating the new scholarship values, according to the criteria established by the Ministry of Education (MEC).

According to the Pro-Rectory of Planning, Budget and Finance (Proplan), it has only now been possible to implement the measure, considering the internal adjustments in the university’s contracts, the resources from the budgetary supplement received by the MEC and extraordinary budgetary resources obtained by the dean, Roque Albuquerque.

New Values

VALOR PROGRAM (R$) Institutional Scholarship for the Unilab Language Center (NUCLI) 700.00 Remunerated Scholarship for the Language and Language Center of the Malês Campus (NULIM) 700.00 Program for Reception and Integration of Foreign Students (PAIE) 700.00 Monitoring Scholarship Program (PBM) 700.00 Extension, Art and Culture Scholarship Program (PIBEAC) 700.00 Institutional Scientific Initiation Scholarship Program (PIBIC) 700.00 Mother Student Support Program /pai (ProCIADI) 700.00 Junior Tutors Program (PULSAR) 700.00 Academic Master’s 2,100.00

The rector of Unilab forwarded the Proposal for an Annual Budget Law (PLOA) to the MEC with the new values, in order to guarantee the permanence of the readjustment for the year 2024.

According to Roque Albuquerque, the development of academic activities through research and extension are fundamental for the development of the university and the readjustment of scholarships appears as a fair and urgent mechanism to provide more adequate conditions for researchers.

Albuquerque also states that a long time without readjustment of values ​​has caused inconvenience to students, who suffer from accumulated inflation over the years, which affects mainly the simplest layer of society, Unilab’s target audience.

#Scholarships #readjustment #base #date #August #year

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