School and Covid? “Syncytial virus scares more”

by time news

2023-09-13 12:39:05

School and Covid in Italy, a scary combination? “In view of autumn, the virus that scares me is Rsv, the respiratory syncytial virus, more than Covid. Because the epidemiological data we have had in the last 2 years tell us that we have also been very busy at hospital level. So we must be calm and be calm in preparing for the next few months, knowing full well that prevention is achieved with vaccines, especially for the most fragile”. Taking stock with Salute is Rino Agostiniani, treasurer and board member of the Italian Society of Paediatrics (Sip), former president of the scientific society.

Today, he explains further, “Sars-CoV-2 circulates in healthy children, but does not cause serious symptoms. Furthermore, there is little clinical commitment in case of illness. However, it is clear that fragile children must also be protected. At this moment there is no need to do anything alarmism, which seems excessive to me, or reviving paranoia about returning to school. The need for greater ventilation of classrooms remains valid, because school remains a common risk factor for infectious diseases”.


“A child with an infectious disease is a source of contagion if he goes to school. Therefore, not having a particular directive at the moment, we also rely on the common sense of parents who, if they see suspicious symptoms, a scratching of the throat or a general malaise , they could take the Covid swab and check. Otherwise common sense should prevail and let the child stay at home”, underlines Agostiniani.

#School #Covid #Syncytial #virus #scares

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