School, Hope: “In September, no mask, then we’ll see”

by time news

“When schools reopen in September, there will be no obligation to wear masks. Later we will see based on the evolution of the epidemiological situation”. Health Minister Roberto Speranza told ‘Non Stop News’ on Rtl 102.5. “This does not mean that it cannot be used, failure to do so does not mean that the message is passed that the mask is useless – added the minister at altitude. Article 1 – The mask is used when necessary. If I am in a place without ventilation and indoors, even if there is no obligation to use it. It is not forbidden to use it, it is a useful tool, a shield to avoid taking Covid “.

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Then, on vaccines: “The fourth dose of the anti Covid vaccine is an important shield against the virus. I therefore hope that in the next few days the number of over 60s and fragile subjects who undergo vaccination will increase”.

“Autumn and winter are notoriously the most difficult months on the pandemic front – added the minister – But I repeat that the vaccines that science has given us are absolutely effective”.

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