School in attendance: tomorrow I will be able to say enough to the government’s turnarounds

by time news

Priority to the School organizes a garrison for tomorrow, Thursday 22 April, at 9.30, in front of the Ministry of Education. On the occasion there will be a meeting with Barbara Floridia, undersecretary of the Ministry of Education.

The initiative was convened to protest against “yet another government turnaround about school “.

“Despite the orders of the TAR have made it clear that the closures implemented so far have been illegitimate. Although the Council of State has rejected the appeal of the Government, declaring the orders of the TAR unquestionable. Despite the dramatic repercussions on the mental and physical health of students and female students , now evident to all. Despite the enormous worsening of the conditions of those who find themselves in a situation of fragility or educational poverty “, adds the organization.

“It is shameful and unacceptable that, after 14 months of the start of the pandemic, with two school years based on Distance Learning, nothing has yet been done to solve the structural problems of schools and transport “.

“It is shameful and unacceptable that the government establishes further postponements in defiance of the right to education and study for millions of boys and girls.”

“It is shameful and unacceptable that the government at the same time allows the reopening of all economic and social activities and keeps the school closed, which is considered as the main hotbed for the spread of the virus, together with the children who attend it”.

“It is shameful and unacceptable that this government is also accompanying the institutional and social breakdown in progress: from the relationship with the Regions to the ‘a la carte school‘, leaving a’ freedom of choice ‘that undermines any social pact and any idea of ​​a public school “.

It is strongly feared that the inactivity of the Government and local administrations regarding the problems of the school (and its surroundings) will continue when schools are closed. “Just one example is enough: in recent months with the proclamation of the closure of schools in the red areas it regularly paid for the reduction of public transport, rather than the planning of the expansion to favor the return to school “.

From one year Priority to the School indicates the critical issues on which to intervene, and argues that “a real reversal of the question is necessary: if the classrooms are not suitable to accommodate 100% of the pupils, then they must be made suitable for this purpose; if transport is still not sufficient, then it must be further strengthened; if the variants are more contagious, then it is necessary to proceed with effective countermeasures, including, for example, periodic screening and the provision of effective ventilation systems for the classrooms; if the staff are lacking, the complete timetables and the continuity of teaching a chimera, then we must proceed to a serious recruitment plan that also provides for the stabilization of precarious school workers (teachers and ATA staff) “.

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