School insurance: compulsory or not?

by time news

SCHOOL INSURANCE. Schoolchildren return to school this Thursday, September 1, an opportunity for parents to take out school insurance to cover them. Price, compulsory, extracurricular… Understand everything.

[Mis à jour le 1er septembre 2022 à 10h24] Here we are. This Thursday, September 1, 2022 marks the start of the new school year for millions of schoolchildren, and the time for parents to take out school insurance to cover them against the risks of the playground. But then, is this school insurance really compulsory? In fact, it is for optional activities like a trip to the museum. On the other hand, it is absolutely not so for compulsory activities, which appear in your child’s timetable as a PE class. However, it remains recommended by the Ministry of Education. To understand everything about school insurance, you can consult our dedicated questions and answers file, with the expertise of the president of the MAE, Philippe Benet :

School insurance guarantees the damage that a schoolboy, middle school or high school student could cause to a third party but also those that he could suffer. Remember that it is compulsory for optional school activities such as a visit to a museum or a language course. On the other hand, it remains optional for the canteen and the compulsory school activities appearing in the pupil’s timetable (outings organized within the framework of a school sports activity, to the swimming pool or to the gymnasium for example).

Have you consulted your home insurance contract beforehand? This makes it possible to avoid duplication. Your multi-risk home contract may contain a civil liability clause. Ditto for certain individual contracts: a life accident guarantee can be included. In this case your child is already protected.

If this is not the case, be aware that you can turn to many players to take out school insurance, insurance companies (Macif, MAE, etc.) or even a brand like Carrefour. You can also apply for school insurance by joining a parents’ association.

School insurance always includes two guarantees. La bodily accident insurance will cover the damage that your child suffers, “including if he injures himself”, explains About the civil liability guarantee, she covers it when he is responsible for damage caused to others. Very concretely, school insurance protects the child in a very specific context: on the way to school and during compulsory school activities (listed in their timetable).

Il it is possible to add additional guarantees to a school insurance, covering racketeering or cyberbullying for example. Extra-curricular insurance protects your child 24 hours a day at school, at home, but also during extra-curricular activities. Expect to see the price of your school insurance go up (read below).

It depends on the formula to which you subscribe. Prices start at eight euros for a classic school insurance. The price of school insurance is generally 10 euros per year and per child. This cost increases if you decide to complete your contract with additional guarantees or if you opt for out-of-school insurance.

If you choose school insurance and out-of-school insurance, be aware that the prices are skyrocketing and can easily exceed 40 euros per child per year. Keep in mind that, as with all insurance, coverage limits are imposed (for optics or dental, for example).

To proceed with the cancellation of a school insurance, know that you will have to send a letter by registered mail to the insurer. Please note that termination cannot take place before the annual due date. The latter is included in your school insurance contract. So remember to read it carefully before sending your mail. A notice period may indeed be imposed on you to terminate school insurance.

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