School of Higher Technology | A panel composed of 90% men

by time news

Faced with criticism, the École de technologie supérieure (ÉTS) promises to add women to the panel of its series of conferences on the Quebec of tomorrow, initially composed of 90% men.

Lea Carrier

Lea Carrier

“When I saw that, I just kept counting. I said to myself: “Let’s see, this story is not possible”, ”recalls tax specialist Brigitte Alepin, who wrote to ÉTS to express her indignation.

What she was counting and recounting was the number of speakers invited to the series of free videoconferences under the theme “Acting on globalized Quebec”, unveiled at the beginning of the week by ÉTS. Of the 20 experts invited to reflect on the impact of globalization on the province, only 2 were women.

Sociologist Gérard Bouchard and his brother, former Prime Minister Lucien Bouchard, political scientist Stéphane Paquin and Quebec chief scientist Rémi Quirion are among the speakers who will take turns leading courses on Saturdays from January 7 to March 19.

“I cannot believe that we dare to present a conference in 2022 with more than 90% of men. I don’t know how to interpret it, but I’m really disappointed, ”laments the renowned tax specialist, who has always made a point of presenting a diverse table at the TaxCOOP conferences, which she co-founded.

Two women added

Criticized on social networks, ÉTS undertook a rebalancing of its panel on Friday. Two women have been added, according to the administration, although only one new name has appeared on the school’s website.

In interview with Press, ÉTS admits having been “aware that the adequate number of women had not been reached” when unveiling the program. However, as the series of lectures is above all a course offered to students in the winter 2022 session, in addition to their school curriculum, the school preferred to go ahead.

“We took a long time to present this program, but the first lesson is [ce samedi] “, Explained the director of public affairs and government relations at ÉTS, Jean-Alexandre D’Etcheverry. He affirms that a dozen experts had been called upon, but that the administration had encountered numerous refusals and lack of response.

Her team is currently working on various means to increase the number of women, in particular through conferences of two or three guests. “We hope to succeed,” says Mr. D’Etcheverry.

Brigitte Alepin, who welcomed the shift in ÉTS, hopes that the administration’s efforts will not stop here: “It doesn’t have to be 50-50, but it can’t be 90- 10. Until there is a better rebalancing, I will not register. ”

“When we allow ourselves to devote a series of conferences to a subject as important as the Quebec of tomorrow, we must invite experts to the discussion table who, overall, will give a representative response,” said Alepin, who also criticizes the lack of diversity in the programming.

Correct the mistakes

“It did ouch inside. It was almost instinctive. Two women, quested that ? Exclaimed the former actress Marie-Josée Caya, now a businesswoman, who also contacted ÉTS to denounce the situation. It hurt him all the more since a month ago almost to the day, Quebec commemorated the Polytechnique massacre.

“I had the impression that there was an awakening in the engineering world. But then, to see that from an engineering school… It came to get me, ”said Caya.

The goal here is not to throw stones, she assures, but rather to correct the mistakes that have been made, to do better for the Quebec of tomorrow, precisely.

“I am convinced that there was no bad will, but that things were done quickly. It’s a reflex. Our culture has been masculine for so long that it’s like a reflex inside of us, and that we are changing. ”

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