School, Pacifico: Vecchioni asks politicians to double teachers’ salaries.

by time news

(AGENPARL) – Rome, 22 September 2024

(AGENPARL) – Sun 22 September 2024 Honorable Marinella Pacifico
former Senator of the Republic, Secretary of Schengen, President of UIP Italy-Tunisia and member of the Foreign Affairs Commission.
Press Release: Roberto Vecchioni Asks to Double Teachers’ Salaries.
September 22, 2024
I reiterate my interventions, on the need to recognize the professionalism of teachers through a remuneration worthy of the social role they play.

School, Pacifico: salaries are the lowest in Europe.

Public School, Pacifico: Valditara continues with palliatives.

The occasion is dictated by the statement of the singer-songwriter Roberto Vecchioni during Massimo Gramellini’s broadcast. The professor thundered against politics asking to intervene once and for all on this shameful situation that the school is experiencing and that no government has ever resolved. These are his exact words: “Hospitals and schools are fundamental, but the school is at the foundation of the first floor. If we do not have people who understand the foundation, we will not have the people to give to health, to commerce, let’s double the salaries, let’s do something!”. This is declared by the Honorable Marinella Pacifico, former Senator of the Republic.

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