school supplies at bargain prices thanks to Emmaüs

by time news


Article written by

L. Marcon, K. Toufik, S. Guibout, L. Houel

France 3

France Televisions

The list of school supplies is often endless, and a dreaded moment for families with a constrained budget. Most in difficulty can count on the support of associations such as Emmaüs, which organize sales at unbeatable prices.

On the morning of Thursday August 18, parents of students hurry to an Emmaüs premises in Cergy-Pontoise (Val d’Oise)to find supplies at bargain prices. A mother has found her happiness for her daughter, for less than 40 euros. Here, each item is sold 60 to 70% cheaper. Something to delight a regular, who has just found a sports bag at 6 euros for her grandson.

The articles come from private donations, but there are also many new products. It is companies, more precisely shops, most often supermarkets, that give us unsold items or things that [ont] packaging defects, and that allows us to have new merchandise”explains Alexis Nicolas, community manager at Emmaüs 95, in Cergy-Pontoise (Val d’Oise).

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