School without masks, here are the new anti covid rules

by time news

From the mask to the Dad, the return to school foresees new anti-covid rules. There is no obligation to wear masks. “Later we will see based on the evolution of the epidemiological situation”, said Health Minister Roberto Speranza, adding: “This does not mean that it cannot be used, failure to do so does not imply that the message is passed that the mask is useless. mask is used when needed “.

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“Personnel at risk of developing severe forms of Covid-19 use respiratory protective devices of the type Ffp2 and eye protection devices provided by the school based on the indications of the competent doctor”, provides the vademecum sent to schools by the ministry of ‘Instruction. “Personnel willing to protect themselves with a Dpi can also use an Ffp2 type respiratory protective device and eye protection devices,” he adds.

“At the moment, people who have tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 are being tested for isolation. To return to school, a negative result of the test (molecular or antigenic) is required at the end of isolation.” still reads.

Children and students with mild respiratory symptoms and in good general condition who do not have fever are allowed to stay in school. As stated on the website of the ministry of education “in children only rhinorrhea (cold) is a frequent condition and cannot always be a reason for not attending or leaving school in the absence of fever”. Therefore “students can attend in presence wearing surgical masks / FFP2 until the symptoms are resolved and taking care of hand hygiene and respecting the respiratory etiquette”.

To access the school premises there are no checks on the state of health, eg. body temperature measurement. “But, if during their stay at school, the school staff or the child / pupil exhibits symptoms indicative of SARS-CoV-2 infection, he is housed in the dedicated room or isolation area, specially prepared and, in the case of minors, they must be parents warned “, reads again in the Faq. “For example, symptoms compatible with COVID-19 include: acute respiratory symptoms such as cough and cold with difficulty in breathing, vomiting (repeated episodes accompanied by malaise), diarrhea, loss of taste, loss of smell, severe headache”, is remembered.

Positive pupils, however, will not be able to use Dad: “The special legislation for the school context linked to the SARS-CoV-2 virus, which allowed this method, ceases to be effective with the end of the 2021/2022 school year”, reads in the document faq.

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