School workshops continue at the Casa de los Grifos de Complutum

by time news

Photo sent by the town hall

  • A series of activities have been organized around the archaeological intervention aimed at making the public aware of the heritage value of the Roman City of Complutum.
  • Photos sent by the town hall

One of the most interesting actions, which is carried out thanks to the collaboration of the Departments of Historical Heritage and Education, are the workshops for schoolchildren in the city, which have been taking place since February

The fourth deputy mayor and councilor for Education and Historical Heritage, Diana Diaz del Pozovisited the site today together with 4th grade Primary School students from the Iplacea School and stated that “the main objective of these workshops is to spread the characteristics of the archaeological excavation and restoration among the school public, as well as to value Complutum and that the smallest of the city enjoy and learn directly from a source of knowledge of our ancestors”

In a 90-minute visit and accompanied by two archaeologists belonging to the team of professionals that develops the archaeological intervention, the students visit the Roman city of Complutum and the House of Griffins. Next, they face the daily life of a Complutense of the 2nd century AD, through the observation and manipulation of 105 reproductions of archaeological pieces of the time that illustrate varied aspects, such as childhood, food, religion or the beliefs of our ancestors.

Although visits for school groups are now closed, it is still possible to access these workshops in a format intended for the general public. Requests can be sent through the email provided for this purpose: [email protected].

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