Schoorlse Marga Brakenhoff makes pure essential oils with the scent of her living environment

by time news

The scent of the Schoorlse Duinen…

As a nature guide, the Schoorlse Marga Brakenhoff can often be found in the beautiful forests and dunes. Not surprising that during her work as a Native State fragrance developer, she also wanted to capture the specific scent of her living environment.

What do the Schoorlse Duinen smell like? Everyone will have their own memory and everyone will name something different. Of course it also depends on the time of day, the season and where you are. Nevertheless, Marga managed to create a characteristic composition of the scent of the Schoorlse Duinen. She has also enlisted the help of forest rangers and volunteers from the Schoorlse Duinen Visitor Centre. During the composition they always called out their preference until everyone agreed with the final scent. In all, fourteen pure essential oils have been used from various conifers, native plants and herbs and flowering shrubs. How nice is it to be able to sniff the scent of the Schoorlse Duinen at home in order to have the peace and nature experience around you.

Pure essential oils affect your mood and your environment. The mix of ingredients of the Schoorlse Duinen provides rest and relaxation, it has a cleansing and disinfecting effect and is therefore also nice to use for the flu and cold. Marga: “For example, you can smell the sweet wild honeysuckle, the dune roses, the conifers, the moss and of course many different herbs and plants. I am happy that the fragrance is purely natural and has no synthetic additives.”
The scent is available as a cream spray and pure oil for the diffuser via and at the Visitor Center Schoorlse Duinen.

For more information: or Marga Brakenhoff 06-33676760.

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