Scientists are alarmed by their discovery on mRNA vaccines

by time news

2023-09-26 19:31:50

Alarming concerns among scientists about Pfizer and Moderna’s Covid-19 mRNA vaccines. Kevin McKernan, an internationally renowned geneticist, accidentally discovered while studying certain samples that these vaccines contained fragments of plasmid DNA.

Contamination which is found to be far beyond the standards established by regulatory agencies including the European Medicines Agency (EMA) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), 18 to 70 times higher than the legal limit according to Spectator.

Furthermore, in view of this research, McKernan was particularly alarmed to note the presence of a promoter of SV40 gene expression (Simian Virus 40). This promoter is generally used to introduce DNA into the nucleus of cells, most often in the context of gene therapies. However, regulatory agencies claimed that this was almost impossible with this type of vaccine.

Dr. Phillip Buckhaults, specialist in cancer genomics, like other experts, expresses their fears about the potential impact of this DNA contamination on the genome of vaccinated people. They share a strong concern that this contamination will lead to autoimmune diseases, even cancers, with potential consequences for generations. Dr Buckhaults said during a South Carolina Senate hearing

There is a very real risk that contaminating DNA fragments will integrate into a person’s genome and become a “permanent part of the cell.”

These fears have led to calls from researchers for urgent research to determine whether DNA contamination persists in the cells of vaccinated people and whether the human genome has been permanently altered by mRNA vaccines.

Additionally, the case has raised questions about the regulation of mRNA vaccines in Australia, where the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) states that Covid vaccines cannot alter human DNA. However, on a legal level, an appeal was filed challenging this position, while asserting that the DNA contamination constitutes a genetically modified organism (GMO) under the Gene Technology Act of 2000. Dr. Julian Fidge, plaintiff in the case, seeks an injunction against Pfizer and Moderna for distributing vaccines without the required license from the Office of the Gene Technology Regulator (OGTR), the regulator of GMO.

Furthermore, other concerns concern the mRNA itself, and its envelope of lipid nanoparticles (LNP) in the vaccine. It is more than likely that this modified LNP mRNA complex also falls within the legal definition of a GMO and has the capacity to penetrate the cell nucleus and integrate into the human genome.

All these questions have motivated numerous debates on the safety and regulation of mRNA vaccines, and reveal a need for additional research to assess the health risks of vaccinated people.

#Scientists #alarmed #discovery #mRNA #vaccines

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