Scientists bring news about the cause of depression

by time news

A depression became the evil of the century. That’s because this disease takes millions of people hostage worldwide. According to PAHO/WHO, approximately 300 million people have this type of disorder.

Depression attacks different points in our lives, and it is always good to talk about it with suitable professionals. And earlier this month, the French and Brazilians found a possible biological cause for the disease.

According to them, the fact that neurons lose the ability to recycle their components could be a new biological cause of depression. Want to understand a little more about this? See more information below.

Depression and the attack on neurons

These surveys were carried out by the French neuroscientist Pierre-Marie Lledo and by the Brazilian psychiatrist Flávio Kapczinski, both with their teams. In turn, the name given to this action of neurons is autophagy. When well controlled, this action is very good for the health of the human brain.

The researchers found this new biological cause through a study on the effect of a protein on growth, dealing with the health of neurons. In addition, this protein is very good for the brain, for its blood vessels, its development, among other things.

Thus, it was found that the disease of depression ends up attacking the neuronseven gradually.

“At a conference held in 2018 at Pasteur, I presented the hypothesis of neuroprogression and learned that Lledo’s group had available a molecule that would work as a neuron rejuvenator”disse Kapczinski.

According to Elisa Brietzke, a Brazilian psychiatrist, this research is important:

“[…] for showing that there are multiple mechanisms involved in depression, which, we already know, is not explained only by the lack of neurotransmitters, such as serotonin.

By indicating that this mental disorder does not cause changes only in the brain, but in the whole body. And for raising the prospect that someday a treatment that increases GDF11 levels may combat both depression and memory complaints, which are common in this illness but do not improve with current antidepressants.”

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