Scientists Discover Unprecedented Exoplanet LTT9779b: The Mysteriously Reflective Giant Space Mirror

by time news

Researchers Make Groundbreaking Discovery of Exoplanet with Unusual Properties

On Monday, scientists unveiled a remarkable finding that has astounded the astronomical community. A team of researchers has identified an exoplanet located outside our solar system with properties that are considered extraordinary, to say the least. Even astronomers are baffled by its existence.

The exoplanet, named LTT9779b, is situated a whopping 264 light years away from Earth and possesses the same dimensions as Neptune. However, what sets this celestial body apart is its striking resemblance to a mirror due to its exceptional light-reflecting capabilities. “It is a giant space mirror,” claims prominent astronomer James Jenkins, according to a report by Reuters.

This seemingly otherworldly planet reflects an astonishing 80 percent of light, making it the most reflective object ever discovered in the universe. To put it into perspective, the planet Venus reflects 75 percent of light, while Earth reflects a mere 30 percent, as reported by the news agency.

The researchers have also determined that LTT9779b’s atmosphere is enveloped by metallic clouds containing titanium, resulting in scorching temperatures estimated to reach approximately two thousand degrees, according to Live Science. However, intriguingly, these reflective clouds play a crucial role in preventing the planet from overheating and vaporizing. Sergio Hoyer, the lead author of the study and a planetary scientist, explains, “By reflecting light, the clouds prevent the planet from getting too hot and evaporating […] At the same time, the high metal content makes the planet and its atmosphere heavy and harder to blow away,” he told Live Science.

Given the exceptionally high temperatures, it is inconceivable that life could exist on this fascinating exoplanet. Nonetheless, scientists are eager to delve further into understanding its peculiar characteristics and unravel the mysteries that surround it.

In other news, an unrelated discovery has emerged from the Norwegian seas. Researchers have stumbled upon a bizarre icy volcano, a rarity with only two of its kind found in the region. Further details on this captivating find are yet to be disclosed.

The discoveries of these otherworldly phenomena continue to ignite curiosity in the scientific community, expanding our knowledge of the vast universe that surrounds us.

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