Scientists insert the Fibonacci sequence into a quantum computer and something strange happens

by time news

“You can make the system act as if there are two separate directions of time.”

computing future

Physicists fired a series of laser pulses simulating the Fibonacci sequence at a quantum computer and ended up creating a new phase of matter in the process, according to a study published in nature earlier this year.

They suggest that the new phase of matter is particularly powerful at preserving information, more so than currently used methods..

It’s a potentially massive breakthrough that could make quantum computers more reliable, because with current technology, preserving qubits in their quantum states is a risky task.

Where is it?

In quantum computing, one or zero is stored not as ordinary bits, but as qubits. What sets a qubit apart is that it can be either a one or a zero at the same timeIt potentially allows quantum computers to perform more advanced computations that take classical computers orders of magnitude longer.

Quantum computers still have a long way to go before they can reliably reach that kind of speed or to me Be practical on a daily basis. First, qubits require a highly controlled environment in which a slight disturbance, such as a slight change in temperature, can cause qubits to lose their quantum states — and their information.

In the experiment, the regular qubit at both ends of a ten-atom alignment retained its quantum state for 1.5 seconds. But when they blasted those atoms with a pulse of laser light at the rate of Fibonacci numbers — a series of numbers where each number is the sum of the previous two — the qubits lasted 5.5 seconds.

According to physicists, the cause that occurs is related to the same time.

The study’s lead author, Felipe Domestrescu, a researcher at the Flatiron Institute’s Center for Computational Quantum Physics, told gizmodo In a recent interview.

Erase Errors

But why Fibonacci numbers? Essentially, when you fire laser pulses followed by Fibonacci numbers, they act as a kind of quasicrystal, say the physicists, a structure of matter that adheres to a specific pattern, but isn’t periodic.

In other words, orderly, but not repetitive.

“With this quasi-periodic sequence, there is a complex development that negates all the errors that live on the edge,” Domestrescu explained. In a press release. “For this reason, the edge remains quantum-mechanically consistent for much longer than expected.”

Learn more about quantum computing: Scientists suggest that our brains work like quantum computers

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