Scientists recommend: this is the vegetable that will help you lose weight

by time news

Another relatively simple method is added to the ways to lose weight: eat potatoes. Researchers have found that the vegetable is rich and dense in carbohydrates, therefore those who add a potato to their plate, fill up faster, thus helping the feeling of satiety, and preventing the diners from overeating during the meal.

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100 grams of potatoes have 80 calories, twice as many as other vegetables such as carrots and broccoli. Potatoes contain up to half of the calories that exist in bread, pasta and rice, when eaten in the same quantities.

The researchers also noted that the method of cooking and cooking the potatoes is important – thus, you should avoid eating chips and crisps, as frying lowers the nutritional value.

The author of the study, a dietitian from the Biomedical Research Center in Louisiana, USA, said: “People tend to eat the same amount of food, regardless of the calorie content, to feel full. By eating foods that are heavier and low in calories, we can easily reduce the number of calories we consume.”

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