Scooter insurance will be mandatory in Córdoba from August 18

by time news

2023-07-04 07:53:27

Los scooter users they will have to start looking for offers to insure their vehicles for the entry into force, from the next 18th of August, of the obligation to have this policy to be able to circulate through the streets of the city. This was confirmed to Cordoba Newspaper sources of City hall, which points out that, despite being mandatory as of this date, users who do not comply with this requirement will not be penalized. There will be a period of public information and a grace period to take out the policies before putting sanctionspoint out the same sources.

From the Mobility service It is explained that on August 18 the six-month extension that the City Council gave to its new ordinance ends, during which time it wanted to consult and clarify certain legal issues with the General Directorate of Traffic (DGT) on the municipal competence to demand the insurance obligatory to the Personal Mobility Vehicles (VMP), which includes electric scooters, among others, as well as the use of a helmet for users of this transport.

Insurance will be mandatory for scooters in Córdoba, but the helmet will not be until the DGT changes the regulations

The DGT cleared up the doubt about insurance, which it understands should be required given the proliferation of scooters on the streets and their impact on mobility. But not so about the helmet mandatorywhich will still not be required of users as of next August.

In the answer given by the Directorate General of Traffic to the municipal consultation on the requirement of insurance and a helmet, it is specified that the law on Traffic, Motor Vehicle Circulation and Road Safety indicates that, according to article 47, “the driver of a personal mobility vehicle will be obliged to wear a protective helmet.

Adaptation period before sanctions

However, last year, the DGT published an instruction in which it is established that “its application is delayed until the regulatory development through an upcoming modification of the General Traffic Regulations». That is to say, the Cordoba City Council will not have a legal argument to penalize those who circulate without a helmet until the state regulations are updated.

What it will be able to do as of August 18 is sanction those who do not have their scooter insured after, as they pointed out yesterday, giving a reasonable time to inform the population of this requirement and so that the change, in the middle of the vacation period, can to be made gradually before starting the disciplinary proceedings.

The City Council clarifies that this sanctioning power is already reflected in the new circulation, road safety and sustainable mobility ordinance, which came into force last February, where aspects such as the distance they have to keep users with respect to pedestrians or in what zones and spaces its circulation is prohibited.

#Scooter #insurance #mandatory #Córdoba #August

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