Scooter Mourns Loss of Crew Member Seb, Who Tragically Died En Route to Concert in Switzerland

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<div id=""><div class="Article_elementPublishdate__qcso_"><p><span>Published</span> September 4, 2024, 12:23</p></div><p><h2><span>Music<span class="visually-hidden" aria-hidden="true" role="presentation">: </span></span>Died on the way to Switzerland: Scooter mourns crew member</h2></p><div class="Article_elementLead__N3pGr"><p>The mourning at Scooter is great: Seb, a long-time member of the crew, passed away during sleep on the way to a concert in Spiez BE.</p></div><div class="Article_elementAuthors__LsHcz"><div class="sc-edde8439-0 bokODS"><div class="sc-494550f5-0 itcMRl"><img alt="Florian Osterwalder" src="" class="sc-494550f5-1 dXVSdq"/></div>by</div></div></div><div id=""><div class="Article_element__Tq_1s"><div type="typeInfoboxSummary" class="sc-92253cc8-0 kGbdVO undefined Default" data-testid="InfoBox"><div class="sc-92253cc8-1 sc-92253cc8-4 bGBSLI lcCaqX elementList"><ul><li><p>Scooter is primarily known for its frontman H.P. Baxxter.</p></li><li><p>A crew member died a few days ago on the way to a concert in Spiez BE.</p></li><li><p>Scooter bids farewell to their backliner in a moving message.</p></li></ul></div></div></div><div class="Article_elementTextblockarray__WNyan"><p>The news of Seb's death, a long-time companion of the band Scooter, has deeply shocked fans and the music world. The well-known German techno band Scooter has said goodbye with moving words and expressed their grief. Scooter is particularly known for its frontman and founding member H.P. Baxxter.</p></div><div class="Article_elementTextblockarray__WNyan"><p>In the statement on Instagram, the band writes: "We have sad news. Suddenly and completely unexpectedly, our great backliner, Seb, has been taken from us." The crew is shocked, shaken, and deeply affected. "Our sympathy and heartfelt condolences go out to his family, friends, and all who were close to him."</p></div><div class="Article_elementTextblockarray__WNyan"><p>As <a target="_blank" href="" rel="noopener noreferrer"></a> reports, the tragedy occurred on the way to Spiez BE. Philippe Cornu, the head of the Seaside Festival, explains that the crew arrived in Spiez BE by nightliner bus in the morning. "There they had to find out that their colleague had died in his sleep," Cornu told</p></div><div class="Article_elementTextblockarray__WNyan"><p><strong>Editor's note:</strong> In an initial version, it was stated that the deceased member was Sebastian Schilde (Scooter keyboardist until 2022). This is incorrect. The deceased is a member of the crew who works behind the scenes and is referred to as Seb.</p></div><div class="Article_element__Tq_1s"><div type="typeInfoboxSummary" class="sc-92253cc8-0 kGbdVO undefined Default" data-testid="InfoBox"><div class="sc-92253cc8-1 sc-92253cc8-2 bGBSLI duFusH"><h3>Are you already following 20 Minuten on WhatsApp?</h3></div><div class="sc-92253cc8-1 sc-92253cc8-4 bGBSLI lcCaqX elementTextblockarray"><p>A news summary in the morning and at the end of the day, surprising stories, and breaking news: Subscribe to the 20 Minuten WhatsApp channel and you will receive regular updates with our best stories directly to your phone.</p></div></div></div></div>

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