Scott Ritter and the Ukrainian air apocalypse

by time news

2023-10-28 23:21:23

In the episode of talk Show di Garland Nixon entitled “UKRAINE AIR APOCALYPSE … ” analyst Scott Ritter talks about how Russian air defenses shot down 24 Ukrainian planes in 5 days, but first makes some assumptions. I report some significant passages:

“We in the West live in a bubble of arrogance founded on the premise of our technological supremacy, with which we can build things that are better than anyone else. We always hold this belief, and not just for Ukraine. This is also the foundation of the American approach to arming Israel, so that Israel maintains a technological advantage over any adversary.

However, when we went to Afghanistan, we poured a lot of technology into a low-tech battle and then sat there and patted ourselves on the back and said we’re damn good. We certainly surpassed the Taliban with technology, but the Taliban still won. However, this is irrelevant to us.

Another example is the case of our RQ170 “Sentinel” drone, also known as the “Beast of Kandahar”. The Beast of Kandahar flew from Afghanistan to western Iraq or Iran, mapping Iran. Many people do not know that the Iranians have built an underground city in Mashad, where their continuity of government is ensured in case of emergency. We’re trying to gather information about it and we’re sending our drone because “in America we have the technology, but that’s not how it works.”

The Iranians were watching the Beast of Kandahar take off and land from Kandahar and realized that there was a ground station controlling the drone. When the drone gets to a certain altitude, control is taken over by a satellite and someone sitting in Nevada operates the drone at that point. However, everything is encrypted, so the Iranians picked up the signals and deciphered the signals. So as we said, we took off the Sentinel drone and when it was about to hand over to the Nevada station, the Iranians went and took control of it and landed it in Iran.

The Iranians were patient and sat there and picked up all the signals. This shows that the Iranians are very sophisticated and skilled at intercepting signals. We shouldn’t underestimate their abilities just because they don’t fit our stereotypes. In fact, Iranian teams at the Shanghai Mathematical Olympiad always place in the top three, demonstrating their ability in the field of mathematics” (…).

Then Scott Ritter comes to when it happened in Ukraine. Also in this case I report the most significant passages:

“The Russians just launched what turned out to be the most sophisticated air defense program in history. We don’t understand what happened. All we know is that the planes are destroyed. Even though we saturate the skies with our radars, we search the sky for everything, but the planes simply explode.

The Ukrainian planes were all shot down far from the front lines, outside the range of Russian air defense systems and outside the standard range of Russian fighter missiles. Pilots who managed to repel the attacks reported that up until the moment their planes were hit, they received no warning information about the attack from the appropriate warning systems.

The Americans believe that the Russian Aerospace Forces have acquired new rocket missiles capable of not only hitting targets at great distances, but also autonomously tracking a target after launch without illuminating it from the aircraft’s radar using a radio signature to guide it. According to Scott Ritter, we’re still getting some information on this thing, but we know or we’re pretty sure that the Ukrainians lost a lot of planes quickly. Whatever happened, this is new and they weren’t ready for it.

The Russians found a solution. MiG-29s are exploding, Su-24s with British missiles will explode. And they will also explode, because they have to get even closer and they will be captured. The Russians essentially neutralized the Ukrainian air force. And we want to send them F-16s. You can forget, even if they don’t even try to take off. But that is not all. Modern technology isn’t just about the F-35. This is Avax, this is RC-135, all the drones we have. If this system is what I think it is, it means the Russians have just secured air supremacy in the next conflict. We will raise our devices and they will simply disappear. And we won’t even know what’s happening.

Will their system be able to intercept a ballistic or hypersonic missile? We do not know yet. But I know that the Russian defense industry is the most advanced in the world and always has been. In Soviet times, the best minds worked for them. Here is a device of their ballistic missiles, we captured it, opened it – this is the level of technological perfection.

We showed it to an engineer who worked on the Apollo space program. He looked and said: “Yes, this is navigation, with this we flew to the moon. We did it, but now we can’t.” It’s like the battleships we built for World War II: we can’t make the steel for them anymore, we’ve lost the technology. And the Russians, you think, “What can they do?”, but they make the best weapons in the world and their engineers are real geniuses. The most important thing is that they do not work for profit, they work for the benefit of their country. When a country says, ‘There are a lot of planes there interfering with our lives,’ they sit down and create new weapons.”

note: William Scott Ritter, Jr., is a former US military and UN inspector

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