Screening of short films made by people with mental health problems

by time news

2023-12-18 10:00:29

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[post_author] => 2
[post_date] => 2023-12-18 09:00:29
[post_date_gmt] => 2023-12-18 08:00:29
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The eleventh edition of the short film competition of the Murcia Region Mental Health Federation was held at the Francisco Rabal Regional Film Library, an event in which ten short films designed and produced by people with mental health problems were reproduced.

‘Feafes en Corto XI’ held its annual film festival where about 200 people from all associations, as well as the president of the Murcia Region Mental Health Federation, Pilar Moraleshave been protagonists of a contest that has featured ten short films.

After passing through the photocall, creators, screenwriters, producers, actors and actresses, directors, and editors, all of them people with mental health problems, viewed the short films presented under titles such as ‘Appointment in Check ‘, ‘Quiérete’ or ‘Mar-IA’, which dealt with different themes such as the fight against stigma, the normalization of mental health problems, self-esteem or new technologies.

The short film contest aims to merge art with mental health to raise awareness in society about the reality of the association movement and fight against stigma, as well as promote a positive image of people with mental health problems and their families.

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The event was attended by the Minister of Social Policy, Families and Equality, Conchita Ruiz, the general director of Mental Health, María José Lozano, the general director of People with Disabilities, Miriam Pérez, the Councilor for Social Welfare, Family and Health of the Murcia City Council, Pilar Torres, as well as different councilors and deputies of the Regional Assembly.

The contest has been illustrated with the poster of Juan Pérez Hernández, of the Águilas AFEMAC Mental Health Association, an entity that once again had the film director Benito Rabal, who has been collaborating with a film workshop for years. This is the list of the short films that can be seen in the canal de Youtube from the federation:

‘Poems’, Mental Health Association Cieza AFEMCE

‘Mar-IA’, Mar Menor Mental Health Association AFEMAR

‘The Unexpected Visitor’, Cartagena Mental Health Association ÁPICES

‘Love yourself’, Bajo Guadalentín Mental Health Association AFEMTO

‘Coexistence marriages’, Northwest Mental Health Association AFEMNOR

‘Appointment in check’, Molina de Segura Mental Health Association AFESMO

‘Reflejos’, Fundación Cuare Mentis

‘No one is perfect’, Lorca Mental Health Association ASOFEM

‘What could have been and was not’, Murcia Mental Health Association AFES

‘Loneliness’, Águilas AFEMAC Mental Health Association

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[post_title] => Ten short films made by people with mental health problems arrive at the Regional Film Library of Murcia
[post_excerpt] => The Murcia Region Mental Health Federation has organized the ‘Feafes en Corto XI’ festival with the aim of fighting against stigma in mental health.
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Ten short films made by people with mental health problems arrive at the Regional Film Library of Murcia

The Murcia Region Mental Health Federation has organized the ‘Feafes en Corto XI’ festival with the aim of fighting against stigma in mental health.

The eleventh edition of the short film competition of the Murcia Region Mental Health Federation was held at the Francisco Rabal Regional Film Library, an event in which ten short films designed and produced by people with mental health problems were reproduced.

‘Feafes en Corto XI’ held its annual film festival where about 200 people from all associations, as well as the president of the Murcia Region Mental Health Federation, Pilar Moraleshave been protagonists of a contest that has featured ten short films.

After passing through the photocall, creators, screenwriters, producers, actors and actresses, directors, and editors, all of them people with mental health problems, viewed the short films presented under titles such as ‘Appointment in Check ‘, ‘Quiérete’ or ‘Mar-IA’, which dealt with different topics such as the fight against stigma, the normalization of mental health problems, self-esteem or new technologies.

The short film contest aims to merge art with mental health to raise awareness in society about the reality of the association movement and fight against stigma, as well as promote a positive image of people with mental health problems and their families.

The event was attended by the Minister of Social Policy, Families and Equality, Conchita Ruiz, the general director of Mental Health, María José Lozano, the general director of People with Disabilities, Miriam Pérez, the Councilor for Social Welfare, Family and Health of the Murcia City Council, Pilar Torres, as well as different councilors and deputies of the Regional Assembly.

The contest has been illustrated with the poster of Juan Pérez Hernández, of the Águilas AFEMAC Mental Health Association, an entity that once again had the film director Benito Rabal, who has been collaborating with a film workshop for years. This is the list of the short films that can be seen in the canal de Youtube from the federation:

‘Poems’, Mental Health Association Cieza AFEMCE

‘Mar-IA’, Mar Menor Mental Health Association AFEMAR

‘The Unexpected Visitor’, Cartagena Mental Health Association ÁPICES

‘Love yourself’, Bajo Guadalentín Mental Health Association AFEMTO

‘Coexistence marriages’, Northwest Mental Health Association AFEMNOR

‘Appointment in check’, Molina de Segura Mental Health Association AFESMO

‘Reflejos’, Fundación Cuare Mentis

‘No one is perfect’, Lorca Mental Health Association ASOFEM

‘What could have been and was not’, Murcia Mental Health Association AFES

‘Loneliness’, Águilas AFEMAC Mental Health Association

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