Search for meteorites in English by elements, ready to print

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A discussion of meteors in English with ready-to-print elements, as meteors are what we see when one of the celestial rocks falls on the surface of the earth, and it is often known as a fiery star or a falling star, and this can appear as a bright light in the sky at night, although most of them are light, and during the occasion of the meteorites will be presented A discussion of meteorites in English with introduction and conclusion.

Meteorites discussion items in English

A set of elements of the debate about meteorites can be explained in English:

  • Introduction to the discussion of meteorites in English.
  • What is meteorites in English?
  • Discussion of meteorites in English.
  • Types of meteorites in English.
  • The conclusion of the discussion of meteorites in English.

Introduction to the discussion of meteorites in English

Meteorites are space rocks located above the Earth’s surface, and meteorites are the last stage in the existence of this type of space rock. atmosphere, many of which reach the Earth’s surface in the form of meteorites.

Brilliant translation of meteorites

A meteorite is a space rock that falls on the surface of the Earth, and a meteorite is the last stage in the existence of this type of space rock. When a meteor hits the Earth’s atmosphere, the surrounding gases light up for a short time as if they were “meteors”, while the majority of meteorites disintegrate and burn in the atmosphere, but most of them reach the Earth’s surface in the form of meteorites.

What is meteorites in English?

A meteorite is a piece of spatial matter that falls on the Earth’s surface. The majority of meteorites that fall on the planet come from the asteroid belt, and when a meteor travels to Earth, causing an explosion, it creates a crater.

Translate what neighborhood meteorites

A meteorite is a piece of spatial material that falls on the surface of the earth, and most of the meteorites that fall on the planet come from the asteroid belt, and when one of the meteorites travels to the earth, it causes an explosion, creating a volcanic crater.

Discussion of meteorites in English

Tiny dust-sized particles known as micrometeorites make up 99% of the nearly fifty tons of space debris that falls to the planet’s surface every day. Despite this, there are some large-sized meteorites such as rocks, and it is worth noting that the largest meteorite found on the planet is called (the Hoba meteorite), and it was discovered in Namibia in 1920 AD, and its weight is 54,000 kilograms, which is equivalent to approximately 119 thousand pounds, meaning that it is very large and heavy. Very, and it was not moved at all from the place where it was found, and most meteorites appear like rocks on Earth, except for meteorites, which often have a burnt and dark outer surface.

Translating the discussion of meteorites

There are tiny dust-sized particles known as micrometeorites, which make up 99% of the nearly fifty tons of space debris that falls to the planet’s surface every day. However, there are some large meteorites such as boulders. His name on the planet is Hoba, and he was discovered in Namibia in 1920. His weight is 54,000 kilograms, which is equivalent to 119,000 pounds. Like rocks on Earth, except for meteorites which usually have a burnt and darkened exterior.

Types of meteorites in English

There are three main types of meteorites, and their difference is in the proportion of iron and nickel metal, and what they reveal about the early solar system, and the following is an explanation of the three main types of meteorites:

  • Iron meteorites are meteorites made almost entirely of metal.
  • Stony and iron meteorites: These are those that contain approximately equal proportions of silicate crystals and minerals.
  • Stony meteorites: These are those that mostly contain silicate minerals.

translation of meteorites

There are three main types of meteorites, and their differences are represented in the ratio of iron and nickel, and what they discovered about the early solar system, and the following explanation of the three main types of meteorites:

  • Iron meteorites: those meteorites that are made almost entirely of metal.
  • Stony and iron meteorites: represent those that contain approximately equal proportions of silicates and mineral crystals.
  • Thanksgiving meteorites: They mostly contain silicate minerals.

Conclusion of meteorites in English

There is a difference between meteorites and comets or asteroids, but some of them, especially those associated with meteor showers, are small particles of dust that come out of comets, and meteorites often occur during the late heavy bombardment, and at the present time sometimes meteorites harm property and people, as the Russian meteorite that occurred caused 2013 with the most damage.

Translation of sermon about meteorites

There is a difference between meteorites and comets or asteroids, but some of them, especially those related to meteoroids, are small particles of dust that come out of comets, and meteors often occur during attacks late at night, and nowadays sometimes meteorites damage property and people, as they cause The Russian earthquake that occurred in 2013 caused the greatest damage.

Discussion of meteorites in English PDF

Scientists have estimated that approximately 48.5 tons (44 tons or 44,000 kilograms) of meteorites fall to Earth each day. Seeing many meteors on any night, and sometimes the number is a lot, and this is called (meteor showers), and more meteors can be identified when looking at the search in English in the file “from here”.

Translation of the discussion of meteorites in English PDF

Scientists estimate that approximately 48.5 tons (44 tons or 44 thousand kilograms) of asteroids fall to Earth every day, and most of the materials in the planets’ atmosphere evaporate, leaving behind bright traces, and it is called (the fall). stars). Seeing many meteors on any night, and sometimes the number is very high, and this is called (zakat of meteors), and more meteors can be identified by looking at the search in English in the file “from here.”

Discussion of meteorites in English DOC

Meteor showers occur annually or at regular intervals, as the earth passes through the trail of dusty debris left by the comet, and it is often called (meteor showers) or by the name of any star or planet close to the place where the meteorites appeared .. in the sky, and the most famous of them (the Perseids). . , and it peaks in August of each year, and the search for models in English can be viewed via the “Here” file.

Al-Baraqa translation of meteorites in English. DOC

Meteor showers occur annually or at regular intervals, as the earth passes through the path of debris that follows the moon, and it is often called (Zhakat al-Niazak) or by the name of a star or planet close to the place where meteors appear in the sky, and among the most famous of them is (Perseids) . , peaks in August every year, and you can watch the discussion of the models in English by file “from here”.

At the end of the article, we will provide an introduction to the discussion of meteorites in English, and what are meteorites in English, along with a discussion of meteorites in English with ready-to-print items, types of meteorites in English, as well as a conclusion to the discussion of meteorites in English, and a discussion of meteorites in a PDF file in English , and discussion of meteorites in English DOC.

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